Anonymous ID: 41818d Aug. 1, 2019, 10:41 p.m. No.7306048   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thought Experiment


Consider that Mueller was a reaction to Comey being fired.


Now think logically, what was the ORIGINAL plan with Comey?


Reconstruction of original plan will reveal exactly how Mueller was set up as a BLOCKAID.


For example, Comey could have kept a speculative investigation of Trump going forever, dropping fake news whenever needed, to either lead to impeachment or at least rilying up the base so Trump loses 2020


If Trump knew that ahead of time, what is the best course of action? Install your own investigator that will have a finite timeline. No one would EVER know that Trump didn't collude with Russia if Comey was still investigating.


So, anons, what was Comeys original playbook? For evidence you can check all articles about it before he was fired. I don't have all the answers but I know our hive mind can put it all together.