Anonymous ID: 7c7032 Aug. 1, 2019, 10:34 p.m. No.7305965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6138 >>6289



It's a big deal.


In fact, saying that AIDS would be cured "soon" was an interesting update, because last he spoke of it, he said "within 10 years." I'd say "soon" is faster than "10 years from now."


Over the past four decades, so many people (including children) with HIV died horrifying deaths, and now millions must take toxic anti-virals for the rest of their lives (imagine what the drug companies make off that!!!). The cure will be released sooner than later. Same for cancer and diabetes and MS and ALS and Alzheimer's and whatever else has been suppressed. There was too much suffering. My mom's terminal illness was like a living nightmare. The Cabal loved it (fuck you Obama and HRC and the the Queen and all of [them]).. My mom was so good and didn't deserve that – nobody's mom or brother or kid deserved that.


What an incredible time we live in now – it's going to be a much better world, thanks to Trump and Q and all the anons, and everyone last person who is awakened.