Anonymous ID: 91680b Aug. 1, 2019, 10:29 p.m. No.7305920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5951


>shut up I know all kinds of idiots with guns


Yeah? Well I know an idiot with poor reading comprehension.


Hint: it's (you)


>Being a responsible and skilled gun owner is a major step away from being a normie


Idiots are not responsible or skilled, and idiots are also not the same thing as normies. I also didn't say "owning a gun means you're not a normie or an idiot," I said it's a major step away:


>Being a responsible and skilled gun owner is a major step away from being a normie


Christ, where the fuck do they dig up these people? Deep underneath the barrel is where I'm guessing. At least there's a bit of juice left at the bottom of the barrel. These people are way past running on fumes. Not even a whiff of intellect there.

Anonymous ID: 91680b Aug. 1, 2019, 10:34 p.m. No.7305964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5988


>I know all kinds of normie republican bush voters with guns…



Yeah. Unfortunately, I do too. :(


I'm very hopeful that in the near future more normies choose to wake up. But knowing how difficult a process it was for me and for many other anons that post here, I'm also afraid some of the normies I know really aren't up to the challenge. They can't even stop jerking off to subversive mind-altering T.V. commercials.

Anonymous ID: 91680b Aug. 1, 2019, 10:48 p.m. No.7306121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6187 >>6196 >>6342


>when Q goes mainstream, what do you guys think will happen to these breads? 750 replies would max out in seconds, no?


Q probably won't go mainstream–this format simply doesn't work for a lot of people. The Great Awakening will take place through numerous proxies. Youtubers, Twitter accounts, FOX pundits, whatever. Even with all the very digestible Q proofs too many people just can't wrap their heads around this kind of shit and need their information to come from a talking head with a snappy outfit and a likable face. Unfortunately, that's half the reason we're in this situation to begin with.


Even among the subset of normies that are receptive to Q-like information sources, the subset that are also willing and able to read AND post on an 8chan board is extremely small. That being said, when some lit shit is happening, breads do fill up in minutes with retards making no-content 1-liner posts like "Hi Q" and similar dong-sniffing dumbass crap.

Anonymous ID: 91680b Aug. 1, 2019, 10:58 p.m. No.7306207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6234


>Q is getting sued.

>He's clearing out evidence.

>Expect Q to disappear soon … for good.


I've been saying for a while (see pic related) that when Q's job is done and Justice begins moving along, Q would disappear and fade into legend without major questions being answered. The lawsuit is probably just an excuse to officiate that occurrence. The hangout is too heavy for POTUS or anyone else on his side to risk admitting "Yeah, we did this Q thing." It would become a distraction and ammunition for the Democrats to use in their own defense. "He revealed government secrets! IN PEACH! Throw my case out of court! Trump cheated!"


Q's purpose has never been to step out of the shadows as a hero and bask in the lime-light and ride on parade floats. His job was to drop bombs–BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM–that shed light on the dark deeds of evil people. To raise awareness and shift the overton window to the point that POTUS and friends can make major moves against the corrupt traitors within out government without the majority of normies' heads exploding. The Great Awakening. Remember, the ONLY task Q ever gave us was to spread awareness. Memes. Tweets. Facebook posts. Chats with close relations and friends. THE GREAT AWAKENING.


Once Q's job is done, the wisest thing for him to do is fade away without explanation. That move makes the most strategic sense from every tactical perspective.

Anonymous ID: 91680b Aug. 1, 2019, 11:02 p.m. No.7306252   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Listening to Tucker build up Tulsi as the "dark horse" Dem everyone can love only confirms just how compromised Tucker is. I wonder how much they pay this irritating traitor to furrow his eyebrows?


All the brainlets on The_Donald that beat off to that obnoxious faggot and give Ben Shapiro the MAGA salute and retweet Jack Posobiec while calling him a patriot should get together and fuck each other in the ass like a choo-choo train (with no brakes, of course)


Beware of pic related. Titanic The_Donald cringe memefaggotry

Anonymous ID: 91680b Aug. 1, 2019, 11:12 p.m. No.7306334   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I tend to agree, but Trump is going to get asked sooner or later, and maybe many times over the years, and I debate how he would handle that.




Honestly? I'm fucking astounded that Trump has managed to avoid being asked the question on camera for as long as he has. Remember when they cut the feed at his press conference a week or two ago? Makes me wonder if someone tried to ask it. Of course, there was the one VIP Anon a year or so back that claims he asked Trump the Q, and Trump made an uncomfortable pause and then said something noncommittal.


As I've said before, answering the question in either the positive OR the negative will cost Trump some of his political points. Q is most valuable in a superposition of states of being both real and fake. If Trump confirms one way or the other, the movement loses some of its power and gains a measure of additional liability. It's a lose-lose situation to answer the Q.

Anonymous ID: 91680b Aug. 1, 2019, 11:16 p.m. No.7306363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6385



That kid is fucking fucked. Even if they staple his stomach and surgically remove the fat, he's acquired habits and addictions that will haunt him for his entire short-ass life. He will eventually die of diabetes or pulmonary fluid buildup.

Anonymous ID: 91680b Aug. 1, 2019, 11:23 p.m. No.7306437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6479


>Choke on a giant bag of BIGLY black donkey dicks you POS fucktard faggot


You seem mad. Are you mad? You should get mad. Why not get mad? Have you considered getting mad?