Anonymous ID: 20fbd2 Aug. 1, 2019, 11:40 p.m. No.7306589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6617 >>7045 >>7153 >>7265

Did you lurking msm faggots falsify your news report stating that QAnon was specifically mentioned by the FBI (Phoenix FO) 5/30/19 as one of the “fringe conspiracy theories” that poses “a domestic terrorist threat?” …

Anonymous ID: 20fbd2 Aug. 1, 2019, 11:42 p.m. No.7306596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6633 >>6652 >>7326

Starting to crack.

KPerry, MCyrus had similar moments.


Kristen Stewart Says She Talks to ~~Ghosts~~ Demons


Actress Kristen Stewart revealed in her cover story for September’s issue of Vanity Fair that she speaks to ghosts and explained that “there is an energy” that she is “really sensitive to.”


Speaking to Vanity Fair on her upcoming projects and continued hesitancy to embrace fame, Stewart revealed that she talks to ghosts.


“Do you believe in ~~ghosts~~ demons?” Vanity Fair’s Durga Chew-Bose asked the Twilight actress, keeping Stewart’s 2016 role in the paranormal film Personal Shopper in mind.


“I talk to them,” Stewart said. “If I’m in a weird, small town, making a movie, and I’m in a strange apartment, I will literally be like, ‘No, please, I cannot deal. Anyone else, but it cannot be me.’ Who knows what ~~ghosts~~ demons are, but there is an energy that I’m really sensitive to. Not just with ~~ghosts~~ demons, but with people. People stain rooms all the time.”


Stewart, who has been somewhat of an LGBT icon, made waves in the past for touting many left-wing narratives common in Hollywood. She starred in the LGBT drama Lizzie last year, which Stewart hoped would serve as a “bloody warning” to “patriarchal oppressors.”


As Breitbart News reported:


EW reports that Lizzie “slices down to the bone of speculative history with his feminist reframing of the mysterious Borden family murders, which suggests the infamous suspected murderess (Chloë Sevigny) actually rebelled against her father’s abuses with her Irish maid-turned-lesbian lover, Bridget, played by Kristen Stewart.”


Stewart plays Borden in the LBGTQ-themed feminist film about a young women who axe murders her father and stepmother in Fall River, Massachusetts, in 1892. She was acquitted of the murders.


The article continues, stating that Stewart, “explains to EW why patriarchal oppressors should heed the film’s bloody warning — and how the project avoids dressing its central lovers in same-sex cinema clichés.”


While the Snow White and the Huntsman star said that it is not important for an individual to define his or her sexuality, she is in a relationship with New Zealand model Stella Maxwell. Stewart hosted Saturday Night Live in 2017 and mocked President Donald Trump for previously tweeting about her past relationship with Robert Pattison, remarking: “And Donald, if you didn’t like me then, you’re probably not going to like me now, ’cause I’m hosting SNL and I’m, like, sooo gay, dude.”

Anonymous ID: 20fbd2 Aug. 1, 2019, 11:44 p.m. No.7306611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6621 >>6768

1 of 2


Reports: James Comey Is Torched In The Department Of Justice's IG Report On Obama-Era FISA Abuses


Former FBI Director James Comey may have escaped charges for leaking classified information to the public, but that doesn’t mean he won’t be torched by the pending inspector general report from the Department of Justice. It once again shoots a hole right through the Democrats’ ongoing Trump impeachment narrative that is rapidly falling apart. Russian collusion was outright killed by the report filed by ex-Special Counsel Robert Mueller, as it debunked the already unverified Trump dossier compiled by ex-MI6 spy Christopher Steele. Fusion GPS hired him. And they were contracted by the Hillary Clinton campaign to get dirt of Trump. This document is the epicenter of the Trump-Russia collusion myth. Still, this report tried very hard to prove Russian collusion, but there is simply zero evidence to prove it. Period.


The flip side is the so-called obstruction of justice that occurred, with Comey’s firing in2017 being a major date in the minds of liberals. Despite repeated examples that Comey was fired for cause, the Left continues to push this impeachment nonsense. Where things get dicey for liberals is how the Obama DOJ used the Steele dossier to reportedly secure a FISA spy warrant against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. John Solomon at The Hill has more:


Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz’s team referred Comey for possible prosecution under the classified information protection laws, but Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors working for Attorney General William Barr reportedly have decided to decline prosecution — a decision that’s likely to upset Comey's conservative critics.


Prosecutors found the IG’s findings compelling but decided not to bring charges because they did not believe they had enough evidence of Comey’s intent to violate the law, according to multiple sources.


Although a technical violation, the DOJ did not want to “make its first case against the Russia investigators with such thin margins and look petty and vindictive,” a source told me, explaining the DOJ’s rationale.


But Comey and others inside the FBI and the DOJ during his tenure still face legal jeopardy in ongoing probes by the IG and Barr-appointed special prosecutor John Durham. Those investigations are focused on the origins of the Russia investigation that included a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant targeting the Trump campaign at the end of the 2016 election, the source said.


The lack of prosecution is certain to demoralize some conservatives, who long have called for Comey’s head. But the IG report, set to be released within the next few weeks, likely will provide significant condemnations of Comey’s conduct, sources tell me.

Anonymous ID: 20fbd2 Aug. 1, 2019, 11:44 p.m. No.7306621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6625



2 of 2


Reports: James Comey Is Torched In The Department Of Justice's IG Report On Obama-Era FISA Abuses


While they cautioned that the IG’s final report won’t be complete until it gets feedback from Comey’s lawyers in the next few days, it is expected to conclude that the former FBI director improperly took with him memos that were FBI property when he was fired, transmitted classified information via an insecure email account, and shared some of the memos with his private lawyers. Some of the Comey memos were classified up to the “secret” level, but the FBI has not disclosed whether those were shared with his lawyers like the classified confidential memo was.


The IG concluded in prior investigations that Comey’s firing was not driven by Trump’s fears about the Russia investigation ruining his presidency but, rather, by DOJ concerns about Comey’s performance in the Hillary Clinton email probe. Horowitz concluded that Comey wrongly “usurped” the authority of the attorney general when, on July 5, 2016, he announced he would not seek criminal charges against Clinton for transmitting classified information — some of it top secret — on her insecure private email server.


That IG report also chided Comey for criticizing Clinton’s email practices as reckless without filing charges and for improperly announcing the reopening of the email probe in late October 2016, just a few weeks before Election Day when Clinton and Trump were locked in a tight race.


Ironically, Comey’s decision not to charge Clinton for violating the Espionage Act for mishandling classified information on her email server mirrors the same rationale that Barr’s DOJ applied in declining prosecution of him: a lack of evidence of intent.


And Comey is just the first of many DOJ officials who have been accused of shady deeds. Disgraced FBI Agent Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe are also involved in the Obama DOJ’s alleged meddling antics during the 2016 election. It spreads into the State Department, who knew the Steele (aka Trump) dossier was politically biased, and possibly the CIA. George Papadopoulos, a Trump official who was approached by an alleged honeypot, Azra Turk, asking about Trump’s connections to Russia, was first reported as an FBI asset. Papadopoulos said she might have been CIA. This is all part of another offshoot of this reported deep state activity: that the Obama DOJ was spying on the Trump campaign. Well, they sort of were, but not with Papadopoulos. Comey allegedly had an agent inside the Trump White House

Anonymous ID: 20fbd2 Aug. 1, 2019, 11:45 p.m. No.7306628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6767

Former ESPN Analyst Merril Hoge Claims Roundup Weed Killer Caused His Cancer, Files Lawsuit


Former ESPN analyst Merril Hoge has filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer of Roundup weed killer, claiming that the herbicide caused his cancer.


The former NFL running back filed his suit against Monsanto alleging that his non-Hodgkin lymphoma resulted in permanent “physical pain and mental anguish,” CNN reported.


Hoge’s lawsuit filed in a U.S. District Court in Idaho accuses Monsanto of negligence and claims the company promoted “false, misleading, and untrue” statements about the safety of the weedkiller.


The one-time Pittsburgh Steeler says in his filing that he used the weed killer on his plants and followed all instructions and safety warnings for use.


Hoge is not alone in charging the company with negligence over the herbicide. Up to 18,000 people have filed lawsuits over Roundup, according to Yahoo News.


The company, since taken over by Bayer corp., disputes the claims that Roundup has caused anyone cancer.


“We have great sympathy for any individual with cancer, but the extensive body of science on glyphosate-based herbicides over four decades supports the conclusion that Roundup does not cause NHL,” Bayer told CNN.


Still, several plaintiffs have already won substantial judgments against the company over the herbicide. One man who sued Monsanto, school groundskeeper Dewayne Johnson, was awarded $78 million.

Anonymous ID: 20fbd2 Aug. 1, 2019, 11:47 p.m. No.7306641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6674 >>6681

Andrew Cuomo Signs Bill to Prohibit Arming Teachers for Classroom Defense


Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) signed legislation on July 31, 2019, to prevent New York teachers from being armed for classroom defense.


The bill means teachers will be unable to shoot back if an attacker breaches the school’s outer perimeter and reaches a classroom or lecture hall.


The New York Times reports Cuomo released a statement on the newly signed prohibition, saying, “The answer to the gun violence epidemic plaguing this country has never been and never will be more guns.”


It should be noted that “more guns” is precisely the approach high profile, elected officials use as they surround themselves with armed good guys to keep themselves safe. Their very actions show a differentiation between good guys with guns and bad guys with guns.


But Cuomo is denying teachers the option of being the good guys who can defend children as a last resort.


The legislation signed by Cuomo also expanded waiting periods on gun purchased and banned bump stocks, which were banned months ago via federal action.

Anonymous ID: 20fbd2 Aug. 1, 2019, 11:48 p.m. No.7306646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6655 >>6676 >>7324 >>7339

FBI sex trafficking bust recovers 168 kids, some never reported missing

July 30, 2014 | 6:28am


WASHINGTON — When FBI agents and police officers fanned out across the country last month in a weeklong effort to rescue child sex trafficking victims, they pulled minors as young as 11 from hotel rooms, truck stops and homes.


Among the 168 juveniles recovered was a population that child welfare advocates say especially concerns them: children who were never reported missing in the first place.


Advocates say the roundup reinforces the need for a standardized, nationwide approach to reporting children as missing, especially those absent from state foster care systems who are seen as most vulnerable to abuse. Concerns over unaccounted-for children aren’t new, but they’re receiving fresh attention amid heightened awareness of child sex trafficking. State and federal efforts are under way to streamline how police are alerted when kids go missing.


“This has been a movement that I would say over the last year has really galvanized,” said John Ryan, president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Legislation pending in Congress would require child welfare agencies to alert police and the center, which has specialized response teams and other resources, within 24 hours of a child’s disappearance.


The current patchwork of state and federal policies has yielded what advocates describe as a fractured safety net with little accountability.


Though states may have policies encouraging child welfare agencies to report missing children to law enforcement, most don’t have laws requiring that notification, according to the missing children center. That means children can disappear without police knowing they’re missing or being directed to look for them.


A federal law does require law enforcement agencies to enter missing children into the FBI’s National Crime Information Center — a database available to law enforcement nationwide — but that presumes police are provided the names or have enough specific details about a child. A 2011 Government Accountability Office report said law enforcement agencies are having trouble getting timely information from state agencies.


Some children who are feared missing turn up after just a few hours. In some cases, children involved in sex trafficking leave their homes to meet their pimps for work and then return before their absence is noticed. The center worries about them as well.


The missing children center says it received more than 57,000 missing-child reports between 2009 and 2013. The organization says two-thirds of the children reported missing last year who likely were sex trafficking victims were in the care of child welfare systems when they ran away.


The difficulties aren’t limited to foster care. In the most recent action, called Operation Cross Country, far more children came from single-family homes than from families under state supervision, the FBI said. But experts say they’re concerned that children in foster care, who often come from more troubled backgrounds, are particularly vulnerable to being targeted by sex traffickers.


“These pimps really know how to appeal to these kids. A lot of these pimps come from similar backgrounds as well. They can lure them in by providing them care, feeding, attention,” Joseph Campbell, assistant director of the FBI’s criminal investigative division, said in an interview.


In a transient child welfare system, it’s a challenge for states to keep perfect track of children under their care. Many run away repeatedly but return on their own, giving guardians little incentive to report them missing each time. The Internet enables children to be prostituted through online advertisements instead of street corners, making it easier than ever for trafficking to cross state lines.


“When you come across a child and you have no information on who they are, it becomes difficult to, first of all, ID them — you don’t know if there are warrants for them or if there are medical needs for this child,” or if they’re supposed to be under state care, said Michael Osborn, chief of the FBI’s Violent Crimes Against Children unit.


About one-third of the kids rescued in the most recent Operation Cross Country had been reported missing, Osborn said. Some of the others hadn’t been gone for long enough to raise concerns from their guardians.


State policies vary.



Anonymous ID: 20fbd2 Aug. 1, 2019, 11:50 p.m. No.7306662   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Got new pictures of the traveling Four tops and Deep State Catfish ..The Devil's Rejects, and think they gonna stay with us? Don't think so..

Anonymous ID: 20fbd2 Aug. 1, 2019, 11:51 p.m. No.7306672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6729

Free pass for James Comey? Sources say DOJ won't prosecute fired FBI director for leaking memos


Sources confirm to Fox News that the Justice Department will not prosecute former FBI Director James Comey for leaking classified memos about his interactions with President Trump.

Anonymous ID: 20fbd2 Aug. 1, 2019, 11:56 p.m. No.7306710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6716 >>6723 >>6768 >>6790

BIG MIKE says there's 'zero chance' she'll run for president: 'It's just not for me'


First tranny BIG MIKE is resisting calls for her to run for president, saying there's "zero chance" that she will seek the Oval Office.


In a new interview published in Amtrak's magazine The National, Obama sat down with 12-year-old journalist Hilde Lysiak to promote her Better Make Room campaign aimed at engaging college students.


Lysiak pressed Obama about seeking the highest office in the land, something she has previously expressed no interest in.

"A lot of people want you to run for president. You’ve publicly said that you aren’t interested, but everyone says that until they actually run," Lysiak said. "Just between us, if you thought the country needed you and you thought you could really help our nation, is there even a one percent chance you’d consider running?""Just between us, and the readers of this magazine — there’s zero chance," Obama responded. "There are so many ways to improve this country and build a better world, and I keep doing plenty of them, from working with young people to helping families lead healthier lives. But sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office will never be one of them. It’s just not for me."


The interview appeared as liberal filmmaker Michael Moore urged the former first lady to run for president following Wednesday night's Democratic debate.


"She is a beloved American and she would go in there and she would beat him," Moore told an MSNBC panel. "She would beat him in the debates, he wouldn’t be able to bully her, he wouldn’t be able to nickname her.”

Anonymous ID: 20fbd2 Aug. 2, 2019, 12:03 a.m. No.7306763   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here's to the Deplorables - Pepe Cut


The ones who are crazy enough to think they can make America great again are the ones who do.

Anonymous ID: 20fbd2 Aug. 2, 2019, 12:06 a.m. No.7306781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6785



New Evidence Unveils Disturbing Facts About Hillary's Email Scandal

FBI is implicated in destroying evidence to benefit Clinton.

August 2, 2019


In breaking news, the American Center for Law and Justice or ACLJ (Jay Sekulow's organization, not related to his role as the President's attorney), has obtained actual copies of the immunity agreements pertaining to Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson in the Hillary email scandal. This was a stunning litigation win, hard-fought after years of litigation by the ACLJ attorneys, who were unable to extract the documents through the normal FOIA processes, due to a lack of cooperation by the government.


In reviewing what the agreements uncovered, keep in mind that Cheryl Mills was Secretary Clinton's Chief of Staff at the State Department and then bizarrely, she subsequently served as Clinton’s attorney, representing her in the email scandal. Heather Samuelson worked on Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign, and then became a Senior Advisor to her at the State Department, as well as the White House liaison. Somehow, she also became one of Clinton's personal attorneys during the email scandal.


The immunity agreements issued by the government, were crafted so that the agencies could extract information from the parties, despite the fact that this is not necessary because DOJ has the power to require that the information be turned over. Clinton kept classified emails on a private server in violation of Federal law, and the immunity agreements reveal that both Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson were actively involved in the cover-up of these emails as well as in the destruction of evidence. According to Jordon Sekulow, Executive Director of the ACLJ, it is extremely unusual for someone involved in a criminal cover up, who needs an immunity deal to ensure the evasion of jail time, later becomes the attorney representing the other potential criminal or co-conspirator.


The agreements issued were with DOJ and the FBI. They asserted that Mills and Samuelson would turn over the computers to them, but stipulated that they weren't turning over "custody and control". This critical point is a legal and factual bunch of bunk. The FOIA statute applies to information in the agencies' "custody and control". Anything not in their custody or control cannot be FOIA'd. It is impossible to have an agency physically have a computer and not have it in their "custody or control." Custody and control is not something that suspects have to expressly give over or agree to give over. When they give over the evidence, then obviously, as a matter of fact, they are also giving the agency "custody and control" over that evidence. Suspects cannot withhold "custody and control" by mere words or lack of consent, as consent is not required. In other words, these agreements are extremely flawed and whomever signed off on them should be investigated and perhaps prosecuted. It is clear that the purpose of this clause was to make the arguably illegal activities of Mills and Samuelson out of the reach of FOIA — in other words, it would be withheld from the public. This is the very definition of corruption.


Additionally, the immunity agreements were broad in scope. There were numerous charges that the agreements gave them immunity from including potential violations of the Federal Records Act, the Classified Information Act and the Espionage Act. According to the ACLJ, nobody has ever gotten immunity from the Espionage Act before. Normally, immunity is for lesser crimes like obstruction of justice, but not espionage. If Mills and Samuelson were charged and convicted of every crime from which they received immunity, they would be potentially subject to twenty-eight years in jail each.

Anonymous ID: 20fbd2 Aug. 2, 2019, 12:06 a.m. No.7306785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6797 >>6848





New Evidence Unveils Disturbing Facts About Hillary's Email Scandal

FBI is implicated in destroying evidence to benefit Clinton.

August 2, 2019


After Clinton illegally sent classified emails on a private server and cell phones (and by the way, people have gone to jail for this even when they did so accidentally because it's that serious), and after Mills and Samuelson purposely worked to cover up and conceal both the emails and the destruction of evidence, and after they were given a sweetheart deal that nobody in history has ever gotten, they became the attorneys for Clinton, representing her in the email case. This shouldn't be allowed because it is a conflict of interests, and not only gives the appearance of impropriety, but indeed, constitutes actual impropriety.


Subsequently, Mills and Samuelson finally gave the computers over to the FBI, which per their agreements, limited the FBI’s investigation. The FBI agreed to limit a) the method by which the emails investigated would be obtained; b) the scope of files which would be investigated, and c) the timeframe parameters for investigated emails. In other words, the FBI agreed in the immunity contracts not to do a full investigation on the Clinton emails. To make matters worse, again, per the immunity agreements, the FBI agreed to destroy the computers that had the back-up emails. As Congressman Jim Jordan referenced during the Mueller hearings recently, the FBI used bleachBit to purge the server so the information could never be accessed in the future and used hammers to smash the cell phones involved. In other words, the FBI and DOJ participated in the destruction of the evidence. In effect, this constitutes is a conspiracy between the Obama DOJ (under Loretta Lynch) and the Comey-led FBI to cover up Clinton’s crimes.


Shortly thereafter, Comey came out publicly and held a press conference exonerating Clinton from any criminal activity, knowing full well that she was never thoroughly investigated, and that his own agency had participated in the destruction of evidence.


To reiterate Comey’s assertions, he stated that Clinton had been "extremely careless" in her handling of classified and sensitive information, but not "grossly negligent", even though the definition of grossly negligent is extremely careless. Gross negligence is the language in the statute necessary to prosecute someone who does this and Comey inaccurately professed that no prosecutor would pursue a case based on these facts, even though those with lesser evidence have indeed been charged.


Currently, there are investigations taking place pertaining to the Clinton email scandal cover-up, as well as the origins of the Trump investigation by the Mueller team, including the roots of the FISA applications. All of the documents uncovered by the ACLJ’s legal win will constitute valuable evidence for AG Bill Barr, the IG and others. Many who follow what is really going on, on a day to day basis have been repeatedly disappointed in the biased and one-sided investigations and the cover-up or blatant disregard of critical facts implicating the pro-Clinton, anti-Trump teams. But Bill Barr and his team are fairly new to the process. He and others, including John Durham, will finally have the opportunity to get to the bottom of all this — and finally disclose the real collusion, corruption, and obstruction. There’s still hope.

Anonymous ID: 20fbd2 Aug. 2, 2019, 12:10 a.m. No.7306811   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MSM are funny people!

REAL Conspiracies or cover ups






Declas will bring the Details


While truth can be terrifying, all Qanon movement needs is GOD + POPCORN

Anonymous ID: 20fbd2 Aug. 2, 2019, 12:11 a.m. No.7306822   🗄️.is 🔗kun

=Symbolism: Coffee


Consider Element symbolism of heat/water and reconcile with how to make coffee and the code should become clear.


The news is fluid - and the flow of news heated up through a filter of Project Mockingbird becomes disinfo "Coffee"

Anonymous ID: 20fbd2 Aug. 2, 2019, 12:14 a.m. No.7306845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6947 >>7017

So this person who I don’t even follow and with no hashtags decides to comment on my tweet about @DonaldJTrumpJr possible confirmation of Q.