Anonymous ID: bc9506 Aug. 1, 2019, 11:46 p.m. No.7306636   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons - Ready to put 99% in Hospital?


"Consensus" is the name of the game:

Whatever the group believes will eventually win out.


It's what upper-class white boys are taught to play:

And this is what pisses feminists off most about them.


Women have minimal power to usurp/direct narrative;

Only Men do, esp Manly Men: Autists and Niggars.


The "secret societies" are set up to control and limit this power; they do so by "reassigning roles" within a given narrative; they ca not rewrite narrative themselves, they can change the actors; and once someone is assigned to a "fatal" role, its very VERY difficult.


syn/a/gogue = same voice

con/spira = breath together, together in spirit


What happens when someone violates an existing narrative?

What happens when the waters are disturbed?

Turbulence, Blowback – the violator is crushed most terribly.


QAnon said it directly, this forum is a:

  • vehicle

  • backchannel


We/Q are here to reassert Truth and Logic BACK into the "main stream", so POTUS can act, w/out major spatiotemporal backlash: such major backlash is what is referred to as "judgement"; and Q is here to ensure the result without manifesting (another) "holocaust".


Re-watch Mueller's Testimony to see what happens when a narrative-controlled, cabal-drone is FORCED to act according to a narrative they are and have been trying to actively reject… And they will all look like that in the end, psychologically broken/lost.


Comey's loopiness is also explained this way: these have been men hiding VERY nasty dealings within their personal narratives.


This is what cabalists refer to as "morals", those who act without disturbing the mainstream narrative are "moral", so who do not are considered "a moral"; and there exists an occult system to enforce.


syn/a/gogue = same voice

con/spira = breath together, together in spirit


This is what Freemasonry, in fact, truly is: its a "social justice" org that formerly acted in public as the "Ku Klux Klan", when they lacked the network to ensure their desired outcomes without violating the narratives associated with their positions of trust.


And the Jews function the same way, they are successful only because of their intense focus on not-violating narrative ("law") and controlling it; they target those who are powerful in this regard, and so effectively enforce a system of "join Cabal or be fucked". Jews are not loved by anyone by they effectively suppress competitors.


Are we clear, yet, on what/what POTUS/Q are fighting?

  • Deep State?

  • Freemasonry?

  • Domestic ("Counter") Intelligence?

  • International FVE Intelligence?

  • Globalists?

  • Cabalists?

  • Occult Satanists?

  • Mammon / Moloch?


Violating the narrative has consequences and if more of us Anons "expand our thinking" and "think mirror", we can map out and share the dynamics here that Q/POTUS is navigating. When WE reveal these things, then the blowback is dispersed/minimized.


And just as we've seen with Mueller; once they lose the ability to act within the light, they either go senile or get desperate/crazy; and the later is what GITMO is being prepped for: psionic potent criminals who refuse to bow out quietly, to let the rest move on.


Bonus: re: we/Q being declared "domestic terrorists"–wasn't it just a few day ago that POTUS revealed ANTIFA would get the same? How do you set a trap for an enemy who controls the means of production–have them make it themselves? What we have now is a redefinition of "domestic terrorist" as "conspiracy that uses violence to achieve its ends"–and who does that really apply to??


#YouAreTheMajority #DistantLoveDrawsNear