Anonymous ID: 9aeffe Aug. 2, 2019, 7:24 a.m. No.7308965   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Let us not forget HumpDayHarris replaced BaBaBoxer – Also a completely CORRUPT CA Swamp Creature.


More digs on what this DS terrorist has been up to since she left office. Or did she…


"Any hope Barbara Boxer had of easing into a restful retirement vanished the day Donald Trump was elected President of the United States. Earlier this year from her home in Rancho Mirage, the 77-year old announced the formation of a political action committee aimed at getting more Democrats elected to Congress, and she is now dipping her toe into the podcasting arena alongside her filmmaker daughter, Nicole.


The duo recently launched Fight Back, an hourlong weekly political podcast that will ostensibly be about the political stories of the week, but geared mainly toward women. “There are so many things at stake,” says Boxer, who held a Senate seat for almost a third of her life up until her retirement in 2016. Fight Back soft launched back in March (they recently finished editing the tenth episode) and is organized into regular segments that include a chatty back-and-forth between Nicole and Barbara, a feature called “hot race of the week” that spotlights certain political races, along with the occasional high-profile guest interview (Chelsea Handler, Senators Dianne Feinstein and Chris Murphy, author and television host Susie Orman and columnist E.J. Dionne are a small sampling). Fight Back is aiming to capitalize on the success of other left-leaning politically themed podcasts like Pod Save America, which are mainly commentary but also help serve to organize and activate the Democratic party’s base. To be sure, with a media-savvy daughter and a restless, recently retired Senator, a podcast seemed all but inevitable. But if anyone in Washington D.C. knows where the bodies are buried — so to speak — it’s Boxer.