Anonymous ID: 9d3430 Aug. 2, 2019, 7 a.m. No.7308766   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Mission briefing.


Primary Target:

Good Americans still asleep / under a hypnosis perpetuated by a non-stop cycle of corporate propaganda media.


Tool A (Chess):

Justice from upper echelons of government / strong cases brought and meticulously prosecuted.


The large majority of sleeping/highly propagandized 'Good Americans' will wake up when big names are indicted and the information is made public.


In other words, for a large majority of people (who are 'asleep'), they'll wake up when and only when they see big names (adding to the list of Epstein & R Kelly etc), across major media outlets.


Tool B (Checkers):

The groundswell of Patriots using memes, video, texts and words across multiple media platforms and in their daily lives to shake those in deep sleep, awake.


Tool C (Red October):

Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself.



As frustrating as it is, to be perhaps the only one awake in your immediate family or circle of friends, realize that if your reading this, you are at the tip of the public spear.


Not everyone has the capacity, will or discernment to figure this mountain of shit out for themselves - even with our nudges and attempts to translate.


Fake News = Corporate Propaganda. Not simply subjective viewpoints.


Drug Infested Localities / Closed Local Businesses / Erasing of the Entire Middle Class




20+ Years of Corporate Propaganda Winning.




Swaths of Americans (and let's face it - illegal aliens) literally turning to socialism as a viable alternative to help.


With all that being said, lol (insert hot female pointing at No.), there is no doubt in my mind that we are winning and that we will win. So, when possible, rejoice inwardly.


If we can't successfully wake those around us up in a 'timely' fashion, take the long-term approach. Go out of your way to highlight/emphasize everything and anything Americana in your everyday life.


After all, the entire groundswell of normalization is clearly being perpetuated by and through Patriotism. The American Flag - the one thing that connects us all concerning our society.


A mighty yet solemn salute to the entire Q team and Patriots around the world for your commitment to GOOD.



An anonymous, 30 something year old American who was once lost, but has been found.