"Gathering Together" is a well known and ancient thing.
those who try to simulate it through 'festivals' don't always cook up something meaningful.
It's alike a 'bread'
Bread And Puppet did a good job with it.
East Coast raves are usually saner. Everyone's already provisioned and living in their cars for a week or two, people of a certain crowd, who find it easy to do camping on the fly.
but to go to a desert without water and do it? that's not really useful.
In the East, where there are rivers and gorges full of flooding rapids, cool water, a summer rave can come and go for a day or two and it's just a season of wild dancing . . .
it doesn't even need to be known about to anyone who doesn't go to it.
a day later it's as if it never happened.
Used to happen a lot especially with Phish and The Grateful Dead.