Anonymous ID: 63b544 Rampant MN CCAP Fraud Aug. 2, 2019, 7:28 a.m. No.7308984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9008 >>9020 >>9562 >>9682 >>9779

>>7308464 lb

>>7308450 lb

>>7308425 lb

>>7308467 lb

>>They lost $125million in just 2 programs they "accidentally" overpaid

>>Just heard a new statistic: $1B lost to waste and fraud every legislative session in MN


Fairly good highlight of CCAP fraud in vid clip interview w/ MN Rep. Mark Koran:


'Dixon & Garrett with Minnesota Senator Mark Koran about the fraud found in Minnesota's Child Care Assistance Program'


Sen. Mark Koran calls for resignation of DHS Inspector General Carolyn Ham


‘Pervasive’ child care fraud alleged —But evidence and convictions are hard to come by'


State auditors uncover widespread childcare assistance fraud


Legal Loophole in CCAP allows child care centers to bill for services they do not provide

Anonymous ID: 63b544 Aug. 2, 2019, 7:36 a.m. No.7309065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9086


absolutely Anon… funny part of interview linked, Koran asked at begin if it's 'Somalian comm.' related and Koran quick to move off… at end of vid Pat Dixon says, '…he was quick to get off the Somali' connection…'

no balls… not calling it for What shit IS…


PDJT only one willing to call Strikes ~ Balls & Infestations…