Anonymous ID: a68396 Aug. 2, 2019, 8 a.m. No.7309364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9453




Anyone else find the spacing of Big Mike's Thesis odd?


Any IvyLeagueFags here of ProfessorFags to weigh in on the spacing? Seems like some pages only have a paragraph. Also curious about the authenticity of the doc - OP this is a rando wordpress site. Any idea about the authenticity?


Exerpt from the .pdf:

The purpose of this study is to examinevarious attitudes of Black Princeton alumni intheir present state and as they are perceived bythe alumni to have changed over time. This studytries to examine the following attitudes ofalumni: the extent to which they arecomfortable interacting with Black and withWhite individuals in various activities; theextent to which they are motivated to benefit theBlack community in comparison to other entitiessuch as themselves, their families, God, etc.;the ideologies they-hold with respects to race relations between the Black and White commu-nities; and feelings they have toward the Blacklower class such as a feeling of obligation thatthey should help improve the lives of thisparticular group of Blacks.

Anonymous ID: a68396 Aug. 2, 2019, 8:10 a.m. No.7309490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9533 >>9584



Trying to distill something as complex as the economy in a single cause and effect statement. KEK


-→ How about ppl living longer?

–→ How about ppl saving less?

–→ How about children living at home longer or moving back in?


Minimum wage could be one of the variables but anon, this is a multi-varied equation with varying weights assigned to different variables depending on who you ask. This is not a simple: muh boomers still work because muh minimum wage increased.

Anonymous ID: a68396 Aug. 2, 2019, 8:22 a.m. No.7309618   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Muh anecdotal evidence: consumerism is forcing a few I know to postpone their retirement. The need for newer, shinier things, and other "stuff." Boats, cars, larger houses all bought under the premise "it's an investment." Keep in mind a boat and a car are about the worst things to consider an investment unless we are talking vintage collectables.


Would be interesting to see a study done on the 55+ agers continuing to work and their purchase patterns compared to their balance sheets.