Anonymous ID: d7a0a5 Aug. 2, 2019, 7:48 a.m. No.7309205   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'd be careful going after Gabbard. Just let it play out:

Tulsi Gabbard made the outrageous claim at the debates this week that President Donald Trump supports Al Qaeda. She might as well have said he supports ISIS, that too would be an equally absurd claim.


I mean, of course the claim is absurd. That's why people start to dig into it, realize it's poppycock, find out the truth that Assad isn't isn't quite the person they've been led to believe he is, and start questioning everything in the MSM about the entire Syrian situation. We've been fed constant threads on /pol/ re: Syria, and all the stuff we've learned from Q lines up perfectly with Tulsi's "excuses" for questioning everything that has happened there. Forget about the claim she made. Look into why she's questioning it all to begin with.


We know PDJT ordered a missile strike that didn't do shit, and then later, when the USA went in with precise strikes, Israeli follow-ups devastated the area so much that inspectors couldn't the intel they were given:


>Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 28003e No.967752 📁

>Apr 9 2018 12:25:58 (EST)


>Hold until CONF.

>MIL assets on the ground locked out of GZ.

>ISRAEL strike harmed ability to prove events.

>Clown report must be VERIFIED.

>Troop unwind to STILL occur.

>Have faith.

>Trust POTUS.



She knows they are all assets of the C_A, and is trying to get the public to play catch up to what anons already know:

>Why was AL-Q deemed the primary adversary vs ISIS?

>Do you believe US intel did not 'know' UBL's son was a prominent figure in AL-Q?

>If known, no 'live' intel or geo-t to target?

>Define C_A regional assets.

Anonymous ID: d7a0a5 Aug. 2, 2019, 7:57 a.m. No.7309318   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yep. All this for a stupid internet conspiracy theory! It's just a conspiracy for conspira-tards! But, just to be certain, we should go ahead and label them as territz because words are hurtful!