they have to wait for some extreme violence.
or they need to plant some extreme violence.
what other sites do you post this on?
all for a Q larp?
you fear the Great Awakening don't you?
> if Q was fake or a larp, it would create the biggest riot in global history if the stuff never panned out. You really think Q would be giving us all this info for nothing?
There will be a point in time, when it won't matter what or Who Q is or if it is real. There will be a point in time, when the Great Awakening will happen, and the people will be mad, not whether Q is a larp or not, but because enough people know the Truth.
your problem is you are LAZY
you want others to do the heavy lifting and work to make a better society, but you aren't up for the challenge.
so you get mad and angry and destroy rather than produce.
Grow up, suck it up and do something valuable instead of tearing something down.
your problem is you are LAZY
you want others to do the heavy lifting and work to make a better society, but you aren't up for the challenge.
so you get mad and angry and destroy rather than produce.
Grow up, suck it up and do something valuable instead of tearing something down.
you are too lazy to produce good yourself, so you feel envy and want to tear down the good others have built.
CNN John King just showed a chart showing the last 30 months of Hussein adm. produced more jobs than first 30 months of Trump adm and said it is clear that Hussein is responsible for the booming economy.
>WTF is going on with all these exec selling off massive shares??
their sources have been turned off. flow is stopped. They have to dip into their storage.
>All I care about is reading/figuring out crumbs, learning and sharing info.
>Afghanistan National and Former U.S. Military Interpreter Charged for Role in Human Smuggling Conspiracy
if you called out notables to help baker you might have 10 posts.