Former Navy SEAL’s Open Letter to Navy Command: ‘SEALs Aren’t the Problem, it’s the Leadership’
The fighting men and women of the United States Armed Forces aren't the problem—it's the career-centric commanders.
By Carl Higbie
1 August, 2019
POTUS did the Correct thing in removing the awards to slimy JAG officers.
This man's words stand for all Operators and Meat Eaters. Not just the SEAL teams.
Eradicating the Leadership that still resides post-Obama will take a few more years. The really good Commanders and Senior Enlisted Leaders were purged by Obama.
…The brass of today has forgotten that they trained us to be war fighters not politicians. We are rough around the edges, scrappy, many of us love to party, sometimes arrogant and occasionally impulsive but we get the damn job done and that should be the most important thing. So, Admiral Green, the way you and your commanders have “made an example” out of good men who serve honorably is the real problem. You treat allegations as convictions WITHOUT evidence.
You want recommendations on how to address the problem? Stop giving medals to a Navy JAG officers that prosecute your own men. The embarrassment of the President of the United States rescinding a medal should contrast YOUR culture problem. Get the lawyers off the battlefield and if you unleash the dogs of war do not be surprised if we bite.
America, would you rather have an inspection ready, rule abiding unit or a rough bunch of men ready to kill bad guys to protect our freedoms? I know where I stand, let’s cut our guys some slack.