tell me again how justice is winning out?
how god is working thru trump, Q, and you?
tell me again how I am wrong that if the people do not forcefully remove these people from their positions and purge all current personnel, close the border, tell all other countries they can not have money or support until we have cleaned up our own house?
while you Qloyalists refuse to take action the rest of the world is being shown that we are the opposite of that which we preach and sell. all we are doing is aiding and abetting the rest of the world to come against us. you can love many of trumps policy's but the big picture is looking worse by the day, news story, injustice, corruption, and impropriety.
If we can't prosecute even the smallest transgressions, how are we going to prosecute the major ones, with their ties to power and the levers of justice at all levels?
civilians be forewarned your government is going to use major force against you, and their going to do it soon. the people of this country need to take her back by force, or you will have lost her forever. the hardship you refrain from in hopes that someone else is going to do it for you so you can keep what you have, is exactly where the plan has you trapped. the day it turns on you, will be the day you realize you were played, but also realize your too late to do anything about it but bleed suffer and die.