In the same way that you have seen people in the past use their positions of power in politics, business, and media to engage in criminal behavior for personal gain, we evaluate evidence that this is occurring in the present day with current politicians, business leaders, media inflencers, and more.
In the same way that in the past you have seen one group of criminals work cooperatively with other criminal groups to advance their joint interests, we evaluate publicly available evidence that powerful present day criminal groups continue this practice.
Our findings, which are all posted at this central collection hub, seem to indicate (through the practice of researching and evaluating the publicly known and recorded actions, transfers of money, relationships and more of the people who come up here) that there is a massive, cooperating network of corrupt politicians, media moguls, leaders of industry, and more who have coordinated through criminal behaviors to increase their wealth and power and minimize any threats to this pursuit. This research of only that which is verifiable and public record, seems to indicate thousands of often well known, wealthy, powerful, influential, people across multiple spheres of influence as either being a part of or cooperating with a criminal group of people that we refer to in short hand as “the cabal.”
The cabal’s members seem to have a hand in or be directly guilty of acts ranging from treason, sale of classified government information, arms and drug trafficking, human trafficking, and more.
Our goal is to raise awareness of these apparent horrors, so that their influence is eliminated, investigations are launched, and the evidence can be brought to light so that justice may be served.
Where this mysterious “Q” comes in.
Q is an anonymous person, suspected to be a team, who poses leading questions that other anonymous people use as jumping off points for further research on this topic.
Q has claimed to be working in the government as part of an official communication. It is not imperative that anyone believe this, however over the last year Q’s record of leading the research to fruitful, evidenced but often obscure, discoveries as well as an overwhelming amount of apparent coordination between Q and the Trump administration has convinced most of us that the claim is true.
Q does not predict events, nor is he any sort of leader. He guides the open sourced research here from an apparent position of insider knowledge.
Q claims that the cabal is being dealt with through the justice system, and part of what we do here is research, verify, and evaluated evidence of whether or not this is true.
The official stance of this board is that any and all criminal activity must be dealt with through the proper legal channels. We vehemently disavow and do not endorse any call to violence. Our role is strictly in researching what is publicly available and disseminating this information to the wider public for awareness, verification, and potential paths to legal justice.