Anonymous ID: 59a609 Aug. 2, 2019, 9:52 a.m. No.7310690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0734 >>0742 >>0765 >>0800 >>0813 >>0858

ask yourself

can trump q or any possible good government actors in this movie you enjoy so much actually encourage or prompt or ask you to forcefully take back your country by exercising your unalienable rights?


think for yourself

you have more than you know

gods path is narrow and for the few, not for all, but we can all stand together against an oppressive government by engaging our unalienable rights.


WWG1WGA can only work, apply, if we act together yes we are the all if and when only when we remove these traitors and co conspirators.

>>7309858 PB


tell me again how justice is winning out?


how god is working thru trump, Q, and you?


tell me again how I am wrong that if the people do not forcefully remove these people


from their positions and purge all current personnel, close the border, tell all other


countries they can not have money or support until we have cleaned up our own house?


while you Qloyalists refuse to take action the rest of the world is being shown that we are the opposite of that which we preach and sell. all we are doing is aiding and abetting the rest of the world to come against us. you can love many of trumps policy's but the big picture is looking worse by the day, news story, injustice,


corruption, and impropriety. If we can't prosecute even the smallest transgressions, how are we going to prosecute the major ones, with their ties to power and the levers of justice at all levels? civilians be forewarned your government is going to use major force against you, and their going to do it soon. the people of this country need to take her back by force, or you will have lost her forever. the hardship you refrain from in hopes that someone else is going to do it for you so you can keep what you have, is exactly where the plan has you trapped. the day it turns on you, will be the day you realize you were played, but also realize your too late to do anything about it but bleed suffer and die.

save your grammar concerns for someone who cares, it only shows you are against the message, no matter your faint of agreement with some of it's points. Nice CIA/FBI Lawmen always lie, it's legal.

Anonymous ID: 59a609 Aug. 2, 2019, 10:07 a.m. No.7310858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0890 >>0915




so anyone who points out the fallacies of your illogical stance must be a schill?

I am fully prepared, free and clear of all debt and sitting on 100+ acres of wild hunt able forage able land with clear eyes and mind.

I would be willing to bet you cannot claim one of these things, yet here you sit, cheer leading, others to follow Q and not control their own destiny, but trust a stranger who is part of the system that oppressed you in the first place?

I can afford to be here, I'm ready to defend at all costs, and if I can encourage even one more person to wake, who comes here to be tricked, than I will keep coming and hope to wake more from the Q slumber. Sheep does not have to mean led to slaughter.

if your just on Q koolaide fine, but if your an oppressor, pay me a visit and see if you make it home.

Anonymous ID: 59a609 Aug. 2, 2019, 10:14 a.m. No.7310962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1019


it's not commented to brag of size, it's that I can sustain no matter what becomes of Q and the games being played, so that possible stand up patriots, stand down per Q and you, might wake and see the truth of your fuckery. but thank you for showing that your part of the cabal. Your conceit and power trip give you guys away every time.

you should learn not to respond to those truly awake, you only show who you are, and do nothing but promote hive mind while preaching think for yourself. You are a tool and I a free thinker with the sense to know the difference.

Anonymous ID: 59a609 Aug. 2, 2019, 10:26 a.m. No.7311087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1101


that would not be possible as many are in the dark

however, if one listens, ponders, thinks, maybe they can see, that it is up to them.

when the Jews stood in line for the gas chambers and saw only jewelry, teeth, and bones come out, they outnumbered their oppressor, but did not act, history finds us back in line, ? is will we do something different this time? or will we stand in line and march to the end willingly, apologizing to our loved ones for not seeing sooner?

Anonymous ID: 59a609 Aug. 2, 2019, 10:32 a.m. No.7311167   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you are a fool

god and q are not the same

hope in faith in one hand, shit in the other, which one has reality or weight or substance

if you believe in God, you surely don't know the true God, for he warns of putting your faith in any other.

open your eyes to see your a tool and a fool

Anonymous ID: 59a609 Aug. 2, 2019, 10:42 a.m. No.7311272   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you gave away your country to Muslims

why would anyone listen to your middle of the road fence sitting for the love of money country

tools and fools do nothing for freedom, but promote others doing nothing, while they wait for their oppressors to deliver justice
