think of it this way…fear mongin shills playin b e scared of boogy man….yet really whuy WARN? and not just action on their part…..? because they only have words..power has been terminated from any boogy man that the yconjure up……..yet they real intent on pushin this narrative….interaction is tempting….yet lurk moar….asnh they telll points that FRIGHTEN tehmm…remeber projection…shills do it all time…even paid for pimp daddy ones…evne trained deep stata faggot ones……their narrative wil reflect theri postion…..know thy enemy'…….and a futher plus for patriot anons…is it pushes us focus more on wht is REALLY important………pushes us further awake….realizing aspects of our strength or as build better character….good want be good ..bad want be bad……..all in all God is all authority…so as God will s so it will be….trust in God ..Trust in POTUS…trust in 'Q'….and carry on….yet if u havent squashed ur ego into anaon oblivion an dhavent accepted the unknown warrior place in heart ….this will show ..tell tall signs occur……….patriot anon knows thesze urges…….in name of jesus christ our lord and saviour the glory of God our father and only living true creator..
"demons be gone""