oh no… i wonder if he's missing a thumbdrive or two?
dis guy gets it…
2030-2026 is the precipice.
think space exploration.
think 'claiming turf'
will GOD's people be the ones in control, or satans minions?
will we be able to overcome HATE and FEAR so we can move forward as a species, UNITE, and explore BEYOND our planet's limitations…
or will we fall for the trap of the enemy and stay bonded to the same violent ignorance and religious hierarchy that we have been stuck in for centuries?
we are ALL playing for the long game anon.
If we don't do something about abortion, the white and black skintone will crumble away.
If we don't do something about the middle East, China and Russia, places will continue to KILL their people over christianity…
some places didn't even have a judicial system set up yet.
some countries were still treating women like cattle.
MOST places don't have true free speech and religious freedoms…
from now to 2030 THIS is the focus…
to bring the Planet onto the same page (in a cordial democratic way that pleases WE THE PEOPLE) and strive to help EACH OTHER until EVER country is just as boomin' as the USA.
but we can't do that without fixing our border and immigration system first. the WALLS must first be established before the KINGDOM acn truly beam it's glory