Yes, it was. They aren't very smart, are they?
You shills really like Lansky's "work", don't you? Just go fulfill your fantasies without involving the rest of us.
This is fucking great. Backed into a corner of corners.
If it's so fringe, then what's all the hubbub about? Ignore it, and move on. Or, better yet:
Ask the fucking question
Two nights ago, they went on a rampage posting redheads over and over; tauntingly. They want to do everything they can to fuck with everyone here.
Methinks that this vile POS has his own stealth bomber coming for him, positioned Right in this screengrab.
No clue. This, however, would make people's heads explode.
Anyone with a Senate confirmation can immediately begin work; that's how I understand it, at least. It's going to be interesting to see who he picks, for sure.
Sleepers present problems. Meaning, there may have been a sleeper that got to Ratcliffe, or Ratcliffe is one himself. I lean that a sleeper got to him.
Judge Sullivan is quite the obstructionist.