Anonymous ID: 334f2a March 20, 2018, 7:24 a.m. No.731653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1778

Good morning, stalwart anons!


Listing a few observations which help me to sift through the shill fest:


Regressive shill, JINO says in effect:

“Let me lecture you with my very thin reasoning, in which I have full but unjustified confidence because I have an entire paid gang behind me, supporting my miasma!”


The con, used by cunts and supercunt JINO’s:


The pretext for this emotional blackmail is, wait for it:

“I’m/we’re the VICTIM HEAH!”

“If you are a decent person, you MUST pay me your attention and give in to my spell of taken-seriously idiocy.”


Once (((they))) somehow BAN the sense of humor aspect of the mind, shame it into suppression, then the obvious targets for the mind’s built-in bullshit detector, the naked coneheadedness of the perpetrators of the con, cannot be naturally neutralized by humor! Yet another reason for the mind fuck that a particular subgroup OWNS comedy; the implicit notion that only “professionals” may handle the power of humor!


Once it is forbidden to shine critical thinking into a social interaction, it becomes nothing more than a programming session, from narrator to passive listener.


The painfully obvious foolishness, idiocy and arrogance being smugly passed off as state of the art thinking get embossed on the brain unable to act to pierce the bubble of lies!


We Are The Great Awakening


Could it be as simple as us finally seeing clearly that we have been asleep at the programmer’s wheel of our own minds! We have allowed other minds, some with malevolent intent, to plant their thinking memes into our suggestible sponge brains! And while we were asleep, treading the mills for the benefit of the rats, it got REAL EVIL DOWN HERE TOO!


Reality is by consensus, conscious or unconcious, and is how we got here.

Once more of the mass mind begins to wake up and play the game of life to the MAX, this egg of illusion will CRACK and then co-create a new reality fit to raise fearless children who know that they are children of a loving Creator and ONLY disharmony with the Creator’s Spirit is to be rationally feared!


Who wants to spend the time trying to deprogram weaponized ignorance?

Is it not a better tactic to be offensive in our efforts to be free of fear and limited thinking and live free in the face of mass delusion?



special counsel = Cody Hiland


