Scaramucci model.
Or more correctly, the Harriet Myers model.
In 2005, GWB nominated Harriet Myers to SCOTUS knowing full well that the Dems would throw everything at her to torpedo the nomination. This was the plan: watch her fail and then nominate the person he really wanted - Samuel Alito. (Remember, this was replacing O'Connor, so it had to be another woman as far as Dems were concerned.)
GEOTUS did the same thing with Scaramucci… he wanted Kelly but there was resistance to a former General as Chief of Staff, so he nominates a moron who fails spectacularly, and… he gets his man.
And here we are again. Because the Dems are predictable and stupid. So no, it wont be someone we don't want; it will be someone we DO want, but it may well be someone not on our radar.