Anonymous ID: 0ddbae Aug. 2, 2019, 1:24 p.m. No.7313470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3533 >>3562


The symbol of the rosy cross played a substantial role within the system of Thelema as developed by Aleister Crowley. In a cosmological context, the rose is Nuit, the infinitely expanded goddess of the night sky, and the cross is Hadit, the ultimately contracted atomic point. For Crowley, it was the job of the adept to identify with the appropriate symbol so to experience the mystical conjunction of opposites, which leads to attainment. In this sense, the rose cross is a grand symbol of the Great Work:


The Tau and the circle together make one form of the Rosy Cross, the uniting of subject and object which is the Great Work, and which is symbolized sometimes as this cross and circle, sometimes as the Lingam-Yoni, sometimes as the Ankh or Crux Ansata, sometimes by the Spire and Nave of a church or temple, and sometimes as a marriage feast, mystic marriage, spiritual marriage, "chymical nuptials," and in a hundred other ways. Whatever the form chosen, it is the symbol of the Great Work.[26]


Crowley also makes clear that this process is reflected in the sexual act as well:


So we need not be surprised if the Unity of Subject and Object in Consciousness which is samādhi, the uniting of the Bride and the Lamb which is Heaven, the uniting of the Magus and the god which is Evocation, the uniting of the Man and his Holy Guardian Angel which is the seal upon the work of the Adeptus Minor, is symbolized by the geometrical unity of the circle and the square, the arithmetical unity of the 5 and the 6, and (for more universality of comprehension) the uniting of the Lingam and the Yoni, the Cross and the Rose. For as in earth-life the sexual ecstasy is the loss of self in the Beloved, the creation of a third consciousness transcending its parents, which is again reflected into matter as a child; so, immeasurably higher, upon the Plane of Spirit, Subject and Object join to disappear, leaving a transcendent unity. This third is ecstasy and death; as below, so above.[27]


The rosy cross is further symbolic of the grade of Adeptus Minor in the A∴A∴, the Qabalistic sphere of Tiphareth on the Tree of Life, the magical formula INRI, and the concepts of Light (LVX) and Life.[28]

Anonymous ID: 0ddbae Aug. 2, 2019, 1:31 p.m. No.7313577   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've been contemplating the dynamic of everything that has been taught or learned and attempting to couple that with the thought that everything is not what it seems…



In the 18th century, Albert Pike (1809 - 1891), an American attorney, soldier, writer and Freemason believed that the Rose Cross taught three things: the immortality of God, the immortality of the soul and the final destruction of the wickedness of an upcoming savior. Pike also believed that the origin of the cross symbol was related to 'ankh', the symbol of life of the ancient Egyptians.


In ancient times, the rose was also dedicated to the Sun and Aurora, goddess of the dawn. One can say that it was a symbol of the renewal of life, and thus the dawn - the first day or the resurrection.


If we summarize the meaning of the rose cross: the cross and the rose symbolize the dawn of eternal life and the arrival of the Savior.