Anonymous ID: 0e047e Aug. 2, 2019, 12:44 p.m. No.7312930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2937 >>2942 >>2976 >>3501

Ok Q…


Sessions available for Placeholder DNI..


But I like Admiral Rogers… perfect Acting DNI!


Already confirmed from his role as Obama NSA Director.. (hehe)..


Recess Appointment?


Blockade Removed!!


How many to go before Hot-12 Pre D? Are we at 8 or 9?


drain it!

Anonymous ID: 0e047e Aug. 2, 2019, 12:48 p.m. No.7312978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3007 >>3022 >>3036 >>3074 >>3443

The nature of God is the basis for all forces of nature.. and it is expressed as aleph..1.. all creation comes from that 1.. all words come from that 1.. the second letter is bet.. this is the house or container that holds all creation .. a universe, a galaxy, a star, a planet, a vessel made out of clay or flesh.


The aleph bet… In Greek called alpha-bet (house / container for all the WORDs of creation) it is what contains or interacts with this force of God in the created world.. Greek and English are now conventional languages .. they have lost the intrinsic nature of the words and the letters that make up the words.


As Christians we have lost the amazing understanding of the expressive nature of what may be the language of creation! Like looking at chemistry — the Hebrew language is a definition of Creation — as one story tells it Eber refuses to participate in building the Tower of Nimrod so he was able to retain the Holy language. Another scientific explanation has identified that Hebrew letters are created by observing the waveform of a Carbon 12 atom as it undergoes quantum rotation in its toroidal pathway (toroid? Torah? Oh yeah)

Anonymous ID: 0e047e Aug. 2, 2019, 12:50 p.m. No.7313007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3074


People used to worship the stars and planets because they were in touch with and could see / observe the forces and interaction on crops and tides and weather.. but they didn’t go very much beyond what they could see and understand the multiplicity of aleph.


Aleph is 1… but it is also 1000… and 1000 1000’s… and so on. The aleph is the ONE that is in ALL.. the expression of God’s nature DOWN / INTO creation where it is expressed back UP to God when we use our minds.. our bodies.. to understand the journey and meaning of the next 17 letters.. a conscious action to battle within ourselves (18th letter the Tsade - dualing 9’s in a conscious struggle / fight to be a righteous 1; because man is 6 and needs the 1 to be holy, set apart, complete) so we can pass through the 19th letter Qof… the eye of the needle.. and strip away self and all negativity through the power of the Holy Spirit which we receive when we DECIDE (use our brain) to TRUST (use our heart / soul) and submit our empty vessel to become a channel / container for the expression of God’s will.. which is love.

Anonymous ID: 0e047e Aug. 2, 2019, 12:51 p.m. No.7313022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3074


The force of nature … the greatest underlying force that explains every bit of physics .. is not something you can see. You must listen / know it (אדע ada Aleph dalet ayin) .. ayin is the eye.. that sees the aleph through the doorway of the dalet. But the human brain can’t interpret God which is expressed as is, will be, and was all at the same time! So what we can see is nature .. and always try to understand with our mind and reason how God’s creation works, but always be in wonder / unknowing and have to listen to God’s words to find truth.. emet.. but we cannot see or comprehend everything with just our eyes and our mind… so how can we find truth? Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God! Oh! Light bulbs going off?


How do you hear the word of God? You must see it, run through electro chemical processes to convert reflected light into photo chemical changes that produce synaptic signals to understand the meaning by associating short and long term memory relationships in another complex electro chemical process that also involves a time keeping clock process. In the very act of SEEING you have used the amazing design of God to start on the journey of understanding .. to learn the meaning of ALL in ALL .. and the relationship of the ONE in ALL!


But just as white is the color of truth by tradition, it explains that your eyes and intellect can only take you so far.. you see white light but you don’t see that white light contains all the wavelengths of light but the limitations of your physical body can’t detect this .. but you use your hands (expressing God into Creation) to make a prism from what your mind conceived as a way to evaluate light.. and viola! You can see all the colors of the light! But you can only take intellect so far.. you can continue to quantize into smaller and smaller things .. but you can’t see or understand everything .. this is where you must trust.

Anonymous ID: 0e047e Aug. 2, 2019, 12:52 p.m. No.7313036   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Truth the Aleph mem tav… Emet.. the beginning / middle / end! You can’t understand truth unless you can see and comprehend beginning / middle / end! Beginning is Aleph .. it starts with God. The Mem is the water or change .. always flowing and moving .. this is the now.. the middle .. exactly the middle letter in the 22 letters from Aleph to tav .. alpha to omega. We can begin to understand the truth with just the first to letters… aleph mem .. mother.. giving birth to our understanding to begin learning about God’s nature in observing and interacting in creation. But to ignore the aleph in the journey for truth leads to using only the last two letters : mem tav.. death!


So we can’t see the full picture .. we have to take it on faith .. and trust the plan. We must always strive to be awake and use our intellect .. to see and think about the nature of God in and around and at continuous work in the changing world around us.. but never lose the trust that God wins at the end (tav the rejoicing celebration of unity with the 1 and the immediate restart of the beginning with God. What kind of force is God? All forces and one force — LOVE !!

Anonymous ID: 0e047e Aug. 2, 2019, 1 p.m. No.7313120   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So blow mind more…


First 17 letters from Aleph to Tav (Alpha to Omega) deal with understanding belief and nature of God and creation and our journey .. the 18th letter is Tzade .. the first requiring action! And tzade is connected with Qof… the Q… the righteous one …


Oh yeah…

Anonymous ID: 0e047e Aug. 2, 2019, 1:03 p.m. No.7313175   🗄️.is 🔗kun

so theory … hot stringer .. has 1 thru 12 pre D


White House Executive Order of Termination… a HOT


Countdown in swamp drain ..


Correlation to specific people removed that are Presidential Appointments?

Anonymous ID: 0e047e Aug. 2, 2019, 1:05 p.m. No.7313201   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What I am worried about is Pete Sessions and another Texas Republican Congress Rep Hurd.. not seeking re-election …


Dems are targeting my beloved state!! Lots of money!


We must not lose Texas!

Anonymous ID: 0e047e Aug. 2, 2019, 1:07 p.m. No.7313217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3234


Oh you are part of 6+++ bloodline!


The triple seed!




Lol… not what you are made from .. what you do with it.


The vessel is a vessel… you decide what to fill it with…

Anonymous ID: 0e047e Aug. 2, 2019, 1:12 p.m. No.7313291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3298 >>3315



Uhh… try simpler …


There is a post with two DCs..


August is key month … we are at HOT 8 and 9… 3-4 more to go .. pre DECLAS


AS THE WORLD TURNS (on an axis)


Red Red Cross .. Y.. 8/9 plot on y axis


Track terminations

Anonymous ID: 0e047e Aug. 2, 2019, 1:18 p.m. No.7313375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3429 >>3476


Stop giving them authority in your mind !!


Be Still.. and know God!


No thought or imagination or entity can take your vessel if you give it to God..


Then YOU command the entity to leave .. the imagination to align to Gods will…


“God.. I submit myself to You.. you are my creator.. you love me.. I accept your Holy Spirit into my life.. to fill me and renew my mind and heal my body .. to make me a perfect vessel to be a servant to your will.. and bring your love into the world. I reject self and the lies of the evil one.. in Yeshua’s name .. praise God!”

Anonymous ID: 0e047e Aug. 2, 2019, 1:21 p.m. No.7313438   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sacrifice has been made … One was chosen of the 7 .. 6 sacrificed… on the Lammas … midpoint between Spring and Autumn equinox… the first Harvest.


There are others

Anonymous ID: 0e047e Aug. 2, 2019, 1:24 p.m. No.7313475   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well now I am saying it with you .. and I know it will be done ..


God already did it.. the issue is receiving … never ever a problem with the switch communicating down .. always on the receiving side!

Anonymous ID: 0e047e Aug. 2, 2019, 1:28 p.m. No.7313533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3577



These are tzadiki who serve self .. they are called Ba’alim.. black magicians.


Nechzhim.. Snakes.. Witches.. Sorcerers


They got lost in the intellect and had failed to understand that God is in All… and the wonder of trust when intellect stops.

Anonymous ID: 0e047e Aug. 2, 2019, 1:37 p.m. No.7313668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3696



What is white light?


What is a white lie?


Look! Truth!! White light! So beautiful!


No.. this is not truth. Light is not white.. light is all the colors .. the good the bad the in between.. your eyes deceive you when you see white light .. and you need your mind in knowing how God expresses life into the world .. through the doorway .. to your eye.. aleph dalet ayin.. ada… know/listen ..


Lucifer as a bright morning star … beautiful … tempting .. bright light.. is to ignore the reason for pain in the life.. the truth requires trust in what you cannot see.. cannot know.. and must rely on God … Lucifer pridefully proclaims .. “I am the Light”… and embodied in this is the lie of lies .. proclaiming the vessel is holy and set apart from the Creator ..


Marduk / Satan / Lucifer is a spoiled little brat who never could accept anything but selfishness .. and we pass him by on our way to the unity where we proclaim “Whwre We Go One We Go All!