Appear weak when you are strong.
No, it means you are.
Wonderful move, imho. If he'll take it again. Tough job.
The fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Which is why you think it's powerless.
Yeah, but look. White supremicist.
Needs more blood running off the feet and tail. Great rat, great stars.
Well, that ain't good.
Actually, Lucifer is a creature of light, and we are not. We are made of dirt.
Stay away from satanic people.
It's a pagan temple, a place of worship. They worship Hubal, the pagan god of Mo's father, who never left the kaaba. Hubal is HaBaal is Ba'al, specifically the Ba'al of the Moabites.
Nothing new under the sun.
DS to Omar: Get white men out as terror suspects.
Omar to MSM: White men are terror suspects.
FBI Leak: We now consider white men as the biggest terror suspects.
No, he's not. It's just Jerome's horrible translation of Shining One, Son of the Dawn. An angel.
Bible doesn't work in Latin.
In a battle, anyone shooting at you is an enemy, no matter what.
If you want to survive.
We're shooting info at the DS and the MSM-13, and they can't take cover.
satanic gibberish
Is she 12?
satanic gibberish, part deux
Maybe so, but, yeah. You know a few.
You and the FBI both cite wiki for a proposition that has rabid adherents.
Good luck with that.
Hubal never left the kaaba, and precedes Mohammad.
Out of the 360 gods the Arabs had in the kaaba, only Hubal remains.
The one "true" god.
The god of Mo's daddy.
Lucifer is not the "light bringer", was my post.
If you're asking an unrelated question, the word satan means "accuser" or "adversary", and is what I would consider the snitch of the universe.
Zero evidence Abraham had anything to do with the kaaba.
And it's located, what, a thousand miles south of where Adam and Eve lived out their entire lives, in Iraq.
satanic gibberish levels are high today.
satanic gibberish
This. Hurting God by proxy for six thousand years, and counting.
To people who didn't know they were already immortal, and have a choice of eternal destinations.
He was selling the inferior destination.
satanic gibberish