Anyone else here in the Pen15 Club?
I figured Ratcliffe wouldn't get all the way through confirmation. Picked up some feels off of what President Trump weres sayin'.
In Elementary school you ask someone if they want to join the pen15 club and if they do they have to get pen15 written on their hand in Sharpie. It's a lifetime membership.
Acting: Adm. Rogers
Permanent: Gen. Flynn
"When the praisin' go up, you get the bellsin' comin' down."
>>7313313 (me)
Blessin', rather.
How would he know if he was Q?
Ezra Cohen-Watnik gonna be acting or permanent DNI.
Without a doubt.
Mueller was running a sting on his team. He's still stealth.
We'll see. I'm okay if I am wrong.