sauce recipe seems tasty
not enuf ingredients yet
sauce recipe seems tasty
not enuf ingredients yet
wht comes of an attck dog afte purpose served?
media sheild removed…..let the carrion birds feast
reference to POTUS = wht he himself be
projection is the moral protection
evil one fearing theybe exposed
mirror mirror onth wall…u seem to need some makeup…
'Q' = we the people
question is …who are 'Q"?
some cats sensitive to certai things…no judge cat savin his inner being so no get poisoned….each knows their own limits need crap talk macho anon to discredit filter……..and as jesus christ is lord and our saviour..there are things that MUST be filtered…
monitor a cat
troll a cat
observe a cat response to trollin
who kitty call for helpy help?
cat calls noted…
house robbed? oh mr piggy wiggle…tell us more ..please tell more