Prediction: All of this, The Plan, is part intel drop, psyop, and cold war against actual criminals and traitors we all know and despise here. Like March Madness, this hot August will be just more of what we've experienced for months on end. The warning that attacks will increase and things will get much worse is obviously intentional. Drive them mad, insane, destroy (((their))) will and sense of reasoning. It is unfortunate many of us here are getting caught up in the grinder of stupidity that is part of this plan. I personally can't imagine things becoming yet more stupid and out of control, but apparently, that is the plan.
Of course, the stupidity is all on their part, and those who are compromised. The choice of which side to support could not be more clear, and will likely become even more clear as things get worse. Impeachment proceedings? Could be. Increasing horrific FF? Likely. Out and out mayhem and open threats of civil war and violence? Why not? Take it all as far as possible, with an ever shrinking base of support for the actual very loud criminals and lunatics. Then a "something finally happening" moment to release all the tension, a shock and awe Awakening moment. United. Sounds like a movie to me.