>Mars, which has barely any water
Korolev crater (pic), with an estimated 2200 km3 of water ice
>Mars, which has barely any water
Korolev crater (pic), with an estimated 2200 km3 of water ice
>Mars isn't a planet
>Freemasonic School
I'll sure consider you the professional for these kind of problems.
>compares Mars (80 mln km further from Sun) to Earth
>compares a planet that's barely visible/accessible to one that's relatively well-known
Congrats! We need professionals like you!
I got your point. Wasn't me stating:
>Mars, which has barely any water
POTUS said they'll aim for Mars.
And Mars does have sufficient water to sustain a station.
Given other items in the annual budget of the US, I'll support space research & exploration to arms sponsorships for Israel (and that's just one example) anyday.