"QQ23" ehhhh
You're not Slick Deep State
Tits or OUT!
I'm saddened that you think Fat Fuck is attractive. Must mean you look like a pile of Dog Shit yourself
Maybe you'll just settle for some Bannon Tits
Because the piece of shit that posts this Crap is a Shill and Q told her "Nothing to See here" which tell me, this data is SHIT. I wish people would understand this.
She runs cover for Satanists, Clinton's and Rags on the Military. Her Data IS SHIT
That's "Piss Boy". Was his nick name in the Navy because he oversaw all the drug testing. He loves to watch Men Piss.
There's this thing called "Popcorn Lung" look it up. It's real
I've been trying to tell ANONS for months now, but no one wants to listen. But none of them monitor her Twitter and see the shit she posts. She was/Is also from The Matrix Camp. When are ppl gonna wake up to her bullshit?