As I report exclusively in our Update, FBI wants a few more days to turn over the Ohr 302s to @JudicialWatch….expect them by next Thursday.
>not holding my breath
As I report exclusively in our Update, FBI wants a few more days to turn over the Ohr 302s to @JudicialWatch….expect them by next Thursday.
>not holding my breath
Your name is familiar.
Are you the same guy John McCain fired?
Or are you the one collecting money from John Kasich telling him he should run for President?
You really should refund John’s money.
Bannon is in Epsteins Black Book?
No wonder there has been so much shilling about Bannon all day
Steve Bannon trying to get on disgraced Jeffrey Epstein’s good side
>this had to be said
Won;t matter
The same meme will be posted next bread just like it has been since POTUS tweeted
If Adam Schiff wants her in there, the rumors about her being besties with Brennan and the rest of the clown cadre must be 100% true.
Schiff: Sue Gordon is superbly qualified to serve as Acting Director of National Intelligence..Rather than seeking to sideline Sue Gordon, the President should recognize that she would be an excellent candidate to replace outgoing Director Coats.