Their first mistake was recommending Preying Medic. Another one lost to the Shills. Geez
Because the piece of shit that posts this Crap is a Shill and Q told her "Nothing to See here" which tells me, this data is SHIT. I wish people would understand this.
She runs cover for Satanists, Clinton's and Rags on the Military. Her Data IS SHIT
Also, note the title of the Q post
He's also been caught changing/rewording Q posts. I don't have the sauce handy, but other anons might. He also claims to have MUH Dreams and that his Muh Dreams are accurate. He's a SHILL To the Highest Caliber.
and you know this How? Sauce?
Why don't you take the time and go to Livid's twitter yourself and see the Bullshit she posts instead of calling people New Fags. I think you're the New Fag Fucko!
Oh and I guess the questionable pics with Maga Co and his Off Shore Accounts, which he claimed were under a 501c3 are nothing at all then. Got it. FOH New Fag!
It's Feelerz are Hurt
You are nothing but Garbage and you PREY on people that Don't know any better. YOU My dear are the one that Needs to "Run On" Fucking Fake Ass!!!! I'd LOVE to see you try to step on my neck. You'll get yourself a Lead Enema Faggot!
Ok. Then Explain the Off Shore Accounts
The Fake 501c3
The rewording of Q posts
and the Bullshit He spews to his followers. I'll wait
Oh and let's not forget him hanging out with his buds from Maga Co.
My apologies Anon. I just get so much crap when I try to PROVE to them that That Spread Sheet is nothing more than Spread Shit.
Uh huh
If you wanna keep plugging money to this LOSER that's all on you. All I gotta say is, Q has always said "Be Careful Who You Follow"
No. It teaches me how to Call out Bullshit though and discern Liars
Based on several factors, I'd say this data is skewed
Only 92 of the 94 Federal Districts even report Sealed Documents (NOT INDICTMENTS)
2nd. The person that says she is the one that does the spread sheet runs Cover for Pedos, says Pizzagate is fake, says the Clintons did nothing wrong, says Podesta Emails were a Plant, Says Satanists don't exist and that it's all the Christians fault with the Pedos. If you don't believe me, go look at PaulaLoves Children on Twitter. She's done quite extensive digs on her and her crew. She also came from IN THE MATRIX crew
Go do some research Anon
I'm done holding your damn hand
A good place to start is
She's got excellent digs on Everyone. Be Careful who you follow. Peace Out.
Pay attention Faggot
First of all, it's not a HE
and 2ndly, Proof has been provided and Lawfags have Debunked HER shit time and time again. A person Spewing Shit like this (picture) is nothing more than a DS Bitch. 2ndly, The 2nd pics proves that SHE is the one posting this shit. Go check out this cunts Twitter sometime. You'll see. Oh Wait. That would require you to do research.