Could annual Nagalase Blood Test - prevent disease?
The FDA does the dirty work of the pharmaceutical Industry and works in this case against the best interests of the American people. The FDA is trying to stop the spread of Bio-identical GcMAF. Here is the reason. If all Americans got an annual Nagalase Blood Test and if a developing GcMAF Deficiency (Nagalase level increasing well above normal) is detected, this can be completely stopped and cured with Bio-identical GcMAF (GOleic or some other injectable Bio-identical GcMAF product) before a disease develops. This is the ultimate in preventative medicine. This would prevent thousands of diseases (all tumor forming cancers and dangerous viral diseases and others). This would revolutionize American healthcare and drastically cut healthcare costs across the board. This would save our healthcare system at the expense of conventional medicine. The FDA protects conventional medicine. Now you know the rest of the story. President Trump needs to implement this preventative strategy and have insurance cover an annual Nagalase Blood Test and Bio-identical GcMAF. This new mass prevention method will save the American Healthcare System, drastically cut costs and save lives.
POTUS correct about possible breakthrough cures for cancer and autisim
A number of drug researchers have died who were working on breakthroughs. Is DS in bed with big pharma? It would not surprise me to learn than many politicians have pocketed lobbyist's money and were expected to stay loyal to them, not We The People. What is the FDA hiding?