>>7317584 (last bread)
Not to spend a lot of time on analysis BUT……..
painting on the far left:
"Still Life with Guitar, torso, two vases, 1971"
Look closely and match shapes to each other.
the headless torso with a line to the SKULL,
with a guitar-shaped thing inside of it (brain?)
the white ring matches bottom of skull to top of torso
THEN UNDERNEATH the severed fking head
are two vases catching a myriad of little thingypoos
alternative theory:
the brain is being sucked out of the eyeball socket
Painting to far right:
"Seated Nude with Green Pants"
there is a shape like an ice cream cone on the left
the green splotch of paint in divided by a black squiggle
sitting on top of something like a table, more like a VASE
a vase or a potted plant, with a water tube?
but the most likely must be that it is a table, with things on it
and there is a red splotch behind the nude person (woman?)
and then, if the person posing is NUDE like the title says
then what is the "green pants" in the picture for ?
reluctance at being exposed? covering herself?
and what is the left hand doing?
Alternative theory:
it is a nude person being pleasured by several people
and all you can see are the backs of their heads
and the shapes of their bodies behind
Alternative theory:
green is polar opposite of RED
and there are green splotches on other things
so, what is the purpose of this painting?
well, I'm going with DEVIANCY