Few has 3 letters so 3 months is a few? Haven't heard that since i was a kid.
:) All's well anon, the sun is shining, in a joking mood today. I do still wonder about that message. For all we know it happened already and we missed it.
If being laughed at is of concern, then 1) you need thicker skin, and 2) best keep the info to yourself until you understand it. And, 3) fuck them. just becasue THEY are no on board, is no reason why you should be jumping ship. you're too old to be falling for (or coming here advocating that WE fall for) peer pressure.
It's not our job to reach the unreachable, gotta recognize them when you see them and ont even waste your time. Until MSM tells them, it's a nogo. Sometimes you have to keep shit to yourself and enjoy the benefits until people ASK YOU. THAT's when the redpilling begins, not by shoving medicine down the throats of those who don't want it (even if you think/know that they need it).
If you do leave, well, bye.
That's a better question for the interviewer, I suppose. Said he'd send it to him.
Double dubs confirm that they're still brainwashed idiots. Don't let them stop you. If it ventures off into something that they can't see with the naked eye, I don't even bother. I may give vague hints prior to, and then let them later ask me how I knew. Let Future prove past. Like the drop in FB today, I hinted to it last week. I'll let them ask if they want to know, now that it's in MSM rotation. Other than that, they're not capable of the due diligence needed to go in depth. Again, I'll say it for you, fuck them. When SHTF, they'll remember your words, whether they admit it or not.
since I'm filtered, guess he won't see me saying Fuck you too, Patriot!
two too many
https:// www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2018-03-20/alwaleed-reveals-secret-deal-struck-to-exit-ritz-after-83-days
Dopey is really vague in this interview, about the deal he made. I'm sure that he's on watch, and only out because he's a key player & needed by his gov to keep Kingdom Holding Co. in order, and perhaps other duties (such as keeping up appearances and more singing). Reading this article, it's obvious that he definitely has something to hide, personally and professionally. Will watch the video on page once i can use sound.
What the hell are you talking about? Obviously you don't know. The whitelist already exists, and the few that need to be whitelisted (Q included) already are. you may not stop your daily bullshit
>Confirmation bias.
Lots of that here. I've gotten used to disregarding it when i see it.
Aside from that, it's a decent theory (predestination/scripted reality), can't say that I haven't had it myself.
Limited comprehension, because the thinking is done for them on most topics, I can agree to that.
Seeing that we're in the GREAT Awakening, I expect more to wake from slumber, little by little, who knows how long it will take. Seeds thrown either land in fertile soil (the ones that do recall that they've "heard that somewhere before"), or on concrete, dead on arrival, and may live their whole life unaware. Still, seeds will be planted.