Mention of Brie Larson being the same person (by way of shape-shifting) as Allison Mack is the latest shill slide. Same as Alex Jones being Bill Hicks. Only the stupid of the stupid believe it.
You anons seem like hippie types. So here's the back of The Byrds Greatest Hits album cover with awesome cabal programming for you.
All science must conform to the Book Of Enoch. They MUST believe the Earth is flat, or their belief system falls apart, and they're exposed as just another cultist taken in by a fraud. So, rather than deal with that humiliation, full steam ahead with flat earth! Such an old tactic.
Not at all. Super comfy on my globe shaped planet we share, unencumbered by false notions and cult beliefs.
Stop believing in flat earth, and you'll be fine.
All you need to know is the Earth is round. Now Rest In Peace, fren.
You're bringing out all the dumb shill slides tonight, aren't you.
L. Ron Hubbard is God. Scientology is the answer, dude! So many of us understand the truth! Pay no attention to detractors and disgruntled former members. Disregard the obvious criminality among the leadership, Just KEEP BELIEVING in that which isn't true and you'll feel so much better! Become an inside with secret knowledge only the enlightened and privileged come to know. It feels so good. Just like heroin. Mmm, I love heroin.