that's to say nothing of cybercom. I advocated their standing up, where are they?
also, they've obviously read my old resumes
I'm going to put all of those in a coherent sentence
Five beers and still not tired. Got to kick the sleep aid habit.
Got to love mid shift
For the record, at LRC, Walter Block answered any question I asked of him. Also gave encouragement. Good man. FWIW
they have no clue. not even one
any good stories?
If you're for real, call your local police on the phone and turn yourself in, or go to the hospital and get help that way (I recommend it, took a three month stint there myself).
This board is not your mommy and you are probably right with it being demonic, so try something else.
Hospital, no kidding. Try mental, maybe PTSD track. Take a few weeks minimum. Not kidding, did it myself.
fbi never knows shit
Sounds good. You keep that one, we'll keep the rest
they realized the "domestic terrorists" are actually all "in the know"
Politicians what?
To be quite honest, he's not one of the main political camps, no. However, I don't think there are many people alive that can survive the machines that have been propped up to thrive off us. I don't think he started the Q op, but I don't put it beyond him or his supporters to ignore its use either. I don't like him much either, but I really, really don't like the professionals.
We know far more about AZ and its politics than you know.
Absolutely not. It's actually better than I thought it would be. Actual progress.
Still, AZ has problems, so say my AZ sources still living out there
AZ has a mafia in DHS, has quite a few movements among Phoenix and Tucson, and is still home to Huachuca. Also has nice culture with open carry along the border and farms.