Just saying, was feeling shitty and then this popped up.
Hey anon my lifes complete shit but all you can do is change one thing at a time and focus on one until you defeat it. Then you can use that success to tackle the next problem.
And you sir earn a gold star for not being fucking helpful.
You took up the wrong target I assume, just trying to help some one else.
Oh yeah you judge, wtf do i know.
I am a broken Vet who decided not to get all jacked up in pain management. Rascal OG first, Pennywise under led in a green house and a 8lbs white widow x rascal og. I do not how to grow though.
Yeah it has it uses but can get out of hand. I use daily for pain management and find it hard to be critical of others because I do not walk in their shoes. Although if you feel like you are using it too much then you should listen to yourself. Admittance is the first step to progression.
It has nothing to do with Q or this board. If you need help then ask, because beyond those faggot shills there is those who reach out to help you. This board is far from evil and far from good, what it is is a place where you can shit post for better or worse.
And be and asshole and get punched in the fucking face.
Gold star for you faggot.