I heard a theory before, that the draft during WWII wiped out many, conservatives, some daresay that the draft was not random, selectively identifying and callings Christians to sacrifice themselves for this beautiful nation of the United States to a greater degree than their pagan counterparts.
Let’s say, hypothetically, this were the case. Would wiping out Christian men create a more solid breeding ground for the communist insurgence that ensured thereafter?
In the 1960s, a visiting Chinese student at Harvard made the observation that Christianity is the bedrock for the United States. I cannot recall his name. But he wrote about the link between Christianity in the US and unity. The scholar hypothesized that without Christianity their would be no unity to bind the people together.
In a similar vein, George Washington wrote about the important link between Christianity, morals, and virtues. Both, and many others, recognized that our society exists in an environment where the majority of people agree to follow the rules.
Okay, where am I going with this?
At present, there is a big diversity push, diversity hires, etc., etc. Nothing wrong with this in and of itself. However, these people get indoctrinated into marxism during their time in universities.
As the diversity grows, more black, brown, women, gay, etc., etc. people will obtain greater and greater possessions of power. No problem within itself. However, if these people are indoctrinated with marxism and socialism as their objective, this is a problem. More properly, these people are being indoctrinated into a religion—The Church of Humanity, or Humanism.
The law of averages, as it stands right now, a high proportion of college educated people from the diversity categories have the subversive teachings of Marx as an underlying current of their educational training and may not have been given the opportunity to Expand Their Thinking.
Now, I return back to the wiping out of Christian conservatives during WWII. Recessions serve the same principle to the work force. Companies are provided the Grand Shield of Nondiscriminatory firing during recessions.
Now, back to the law of averages, it stands to reason that the immutable characteristics of the diversity hires serve as a key indicator that those employees will identify with marxist doctrine. It is much easier than the alternative of trying to determine progressive and conservative leanings in a predominately homogenous work force of white people. It is the same principle behind the plantation owners choosing black people as salves and white people as indentured servants
My point being, we either start outreaching, like evangelists, finding areas of commonality with the marxist indoctrinated classes of educational millennials that have been churning out for the past decade or else we’ll be swindled into an even stronger form of democrat socialism than already currently exists. At least for the present time, there are ‘insurgents’ of conservatives//Christians//redpilled//blackpilled//etc., etc. within spheres of influence to build bridges with our fellows out there.
POINT BEING, GET THE FUCK OUT THERE AND PLANT SOME FUCKING SEEDS IF YOU AREN’T ALREADY. AS BISHOP FULTON SHEEN as he always does ELOQUENTLY POINTED OUT, FIND AREAS OF COMMONALITY AND BUILD OFF THEM, i.e. start with what you have in common with your target//neighbor//friend//new acquaintance//stranger_on_the_fuggin_bus, NOT where you disagree. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoKQYEFJHYE&list=PL5_ax08Z6UX9tsrSUYpouGN8KJ44xoe0n&index=19 Identify their angle and learn to build, like Our President. Remember, buildings created from cheap materials crumble.