Anonymous ID: 9daf26 Aug. 3, 2019, 1:25 a.m. No.7319912   🗄️.is 🔗kun



from the rothschild interview, this exceprt describes what the Clinton's/Bush's, etc deep staters have become: pure evil: swamp creatures:


"Some people know they are living lies. Being part of a network that has been very good to them, as they perceive what is good, and they have a great deal invested in the lie. These are the handlers, controllers, and manipulators who stand to lose a great deal-from their point of view-should the lies be made for what they are. These are the enemies.

They are legion. From their view, the system has done well by them and why not keep those under their thumb in a cage of lies? These then become, by their agreed choices, the dark souls following the dark paths. The ice they put out becomes their ice, their bright lights diminish, and until in one life, the light in heart shines out no more.

They become hideous and putrid, both outward and inward, until all who gaze upon them find them revolting. In the end, all these have is their will. A cold determination, without conscience, without remorse, without love."

Anonymous ID: 9daf26 Aug. 3, 2019, 1:33 a.m. No.7319935   🗄️.is 🔗kun



dub dubs chk'd


I agree with you and here is a relevant analogy of what we do to bees and what the elites then do to us

there is really no difference

we harvest the toil of other species and humans and our "overlords" then harvest us/our souls/energy/loosh


No adult thinks twice about letting the honeybee toil and labor all summer...collecting the pollen...and in the autumn, the hooded beekeeper comes and takes the whole fucking honeycomb. Which of you morns for the honeybee? Which of you thinks twice of the theft of labor which has occurred?


"Zoom out, google earth style and look at the macro picture. You are the drone bees and you are harvested of your energy and labor at regular intervals, julst like our friend the honeybee.

Is the a difference morality-wise? Is our theft greater than yours?

Because you have an intermediary and buy your honey from a middleman, is there any difference?

You american drones...has your life not been made easier by harvesting the sweat and tears of your chinese brothers??"