calling qanons terrorists was anticipated by qteam, "attacks will intensify", the question and the answer must also have been anticipated and planned for
Bannon is right, their real candidate hasn't emerged yet, Oprah is the one Trump team should fear the most, she says she's not interested, but she might not have a choice if she's part of the cabal
we are put here to learn humility, everyone is eventually humbled by life and by death
you can turn it on and off, don't suppress sadness when it happens, feel it to it's fullest, experience it with your soul, then turn it off, works for me after twenty yrs of chronic depression, maybe try giving up and living in a van for five years, that's what worked for me, learn to appreciate the small things
AJ attacked Q again yesterday, he did a video on it, but video won't embed here
AJ is playing his part in the movie, although he's not a very good actor, it's pretty obvious to some of us
Bannon, "I believe Trump won by divine intervention", great speech on China threat