>>7320655 lb
Evil can be entirely rational.
Your attempt at an argument evades the truth of the question - that is that the concept of good and evil stands apart from the material world.
Let's say we live in a world where slavery is more efficient - or that something is more efficient when someone superior to you, like myself for example, (did you really think there was going to be someone else placed ahead of my own ideas?) Decides to assume direct authority over your actions.
Is that right/wrong to do so? You state you hate inefficiency more than evil - so if ever a situation arose where it was more efficient to, say, marry someone for political reasons and breed them as per protocol - rather than bother with things like "romance" or "emotions" - clearly inefficient and irrelevant concerns to two properly educated individuals devoid of useless superstition….
Efficiency is also a relative goal. All engineers encounter this. "Optimal" is a situation governed by the goals of the project, not a fixed overall status. Chicken farms destroy the male chicks early after hatching because they do not produce as much meat as a hen, nor the eggs - so it is not as profitable to raise them to slaughter, even.
Which is more efficient - to make the most meat from a given land area or to make the most meat per animal slaughtered? By one standard, modern chicken farms are efficient. By another, they are an abhorrent waste of life.
You see freedom as more efficient - yet it was the rebellion against the kings that brought the destruction of knowledge and threw the world into chaos. In the grand scheme of things - if the servants had been more obedient and trusted the judgment of their masters - then we may very well be back among the stars right now, rather than beating each other over the head for shiny rocks and burning liquids.
Why would that not be good, under your view of things? Perhaps they fully intended to turn the tech and ancient knowledge over to the general public when the time was right - or most of them, anyway. By what logic or rationale would you then base the argument that slavery or totalitarianism is wrong/evil?