charging no charges?
decode and debug?
can you believe it's been a month and a half since this Hong Kong thing started getting hot?
charging no charges?
decode and debug?
can you believe it's been a month and a half since this Hong Kong thing started getting hot?
U Mass raises tuition.
they can assume the debt of Mt Ida College and drop it on the heads of students and no one even knows that's what (seems to have) happened.
Students these days don't pay attention to the feduciary issues. The looting of colleges is a rapid attack through the issueing of bonds that pay too high a rate and that are issued to insiders, which the students and the college endowment must pay back. It is reflected in tuition costs.
hence the price of college keeps going up.
In Anjel G running for Senator in Arizona or Colorado?
One person writes a vauge memo, and all the anon are suddenly being 'watched'?
we already know that.
the only way that they work is through usurpation. the system isn't designed to be run by minions of evil and doom. And so most people in the system are 'infiltrators' and they aren't going to want to go against managment because that will (maybe ) result in repurcusions (in stead of 'repurcusions' you could have used the word 'ark-can-side' but you chickened out).
the 'deep state' is a theoretical concept, a description of what it 'seems to be'. Unfortunatly it's shown to be close to the truth.
but let's remember 'Most are Good'.
so what does that mean? Probably most deep state pepole are waiting for the arrests too and then will be shown to be on the correct side of History. The bad bosses will be arrested, and normies won't know what happened. But we will.
hospitals and nursing home public trusts were systematically looted over a period of years. The whole chain of events was all well documented. It would be worthy of a dig.
this is a nonviolence board.
shut up with your degenerate suggestion.
you are deemed by me as 'not really an anon'.
go away we are not violent.
what are you talking about?
no one is outside of earshot of media waves.
voice to skull?
where do you think a voice is meant to go?
if you know that the voices are fake, just block it out.
and if it's true, get a hat that puts an aquarium around your head. All that Heavy Water will really screw with their systems. It will be like hearing it while scuba diving. you'll finally get to hear them in a funny voice.
scary devil voices aren't as scary when you demodulate and remove the effects.
Shit, dude, just tell the stupid voices to shut up.
and stop suggesting violence this is a non violent board.
that is the kind of poster who is sited as being the violence suggestors which gives justification for the rouge memo-writers to write their memos reporting falisity.
anon renounce such violence, and that is the purpose of the posts to that particular person (or bot or disgruntled, or shill)