Copfag here,
Since Roger Stone's arrest, I've been seeing anons repeating that Wray is Deep State. Then a few days ago, I saw the FBI Phoenix report about Q supporters being possible terrorists. Today, I saw an article citing the FBI report and calling for the President to denounce the movement and everything clicked.
Consider this: The entire Qanon movement depends on influencing what people think. Not controlling what people think but influencing. Q has stated that "guidance" will be provided to anons to ensure that qresearch stays on track. If we get off track, Q says things like "focus on…", "stay awake," "missing markers," and so on. If we're on track, Q says "over the target," or some anon gets a (you) from Q, etc. All of these things influence our thinking.
Likewise, Q influences what (((they))) think. Q says something that indicates some event or arrest will occur on a given day and the Deep State carries out a FF to tie up the headlines. Influencing thoughts on both sides of this thing is the name of the game.
Now, back to Wray. Q has said "Trust Wray" specifically. The people Q has mentioned by name as those anons can trust should be above suspicion or very close to it.
With that in mind, the guy who wrote the report about conspiracy theories leading to domestic terror works for Wray. Yahoo picks it up and runs a story about it, then the article calling on POTUS to renounce Qanon comes out, citing the Yahoo article and FBI report.
Go google "FBI Qanon" and look at the staggering number of articles already written in the last 2 days. WaPo, Salon, Rolling Stone, Vox, etc, etc, have all posted articles tying us to POTUS.
Now, POTUS can't really just bring up Q randomly in a speech. Therefore he can't denounce Q if a reporter doesn't ask him what his feelings are about Q. Get it?
Trust Wray.