Anyone who listens to Owen Benjamin probably got tired of him playing the “That Nigger Stole My Bike” song over and over several days ago. It reminded me of someone (rich dude) who was telling me that his childhood bike went missing and it held sentimental value to him. Once he accepted that the original was gone, he decided to go to great expense to have a replica of it made, and there was some guy in the keys who specialized in that, but put him on a waiting list. Between the craftsmanship involved and an aging process to get the right patina/external sheen of his 1969 bike (60 years old–the guy is a little older than that), it was going to take about 2 years until he got the finished product suitable for proper display or riding/practical use..all very important to him because of all the memories he associated with it. Does that even sound reasonable? Shocked me that it would take a couple years to replicate a 60-year old original, and that it was even possible to match it so well, or that there were even people specializing in such an obscure inustry with what I'd pressume to be a very limited customer base or potential for quantity of scale.
"Shart Tank" Villy Custom Bikes success story.
published July 6 2017
1:30 length
What's in frame from :15 - :17?
Pepsico and Monster Energy :43 - :45
"role model" :61
"this has your name on it, Barb" 1:03
much more.
hidden in plaiin sight.