Hey Planefags
Take a look at this….a qrb colleague spotted it last night. Notice the loop (single orbit) over the river at Lowes Island?
I did a goog map lookover of that location, and guess what?
On the VA side of the river is Trump National Golf Course…on the MD side is "Bretton Woods" Golf Course.
Aside from a friggin' golf course, guess what Bretton Woods is? The conference and agreement that established the IMF, etc.
Read moar here https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/brettonwoodsagreement.asp
I thank summon tryna tell us sumthin
>Why do an orbit there?
And if you think about it in geospatial terms, it sure looks like Trump might be under(mining) Bretton Woods' business (in golf and money?)