This is BS - I know in my local walmart there would be 8-15 armed civilians at any time.
it does for MS 13 AND Cartel
Drug deal gone bad in a Walmart parking lot and the Cartel does not give a damn who they kill?
FBI and DHS search every vehicle there is a huge amount of drugs in one or two vehicles!!!!
By professionals yes. By Cartel grunts they don't usually think logically
Border patrol they are heading south
that dude has never ever shot a gun before.
If that is really the picture. Then premeditated and planned. Someone that consciously put on sound suppression on head like their hearing would matter later
hmm no vest no camo otther than walmart shopper. Eye and ear protection - cannot ID the gun.
They are trying hard to make it one shooter.
I I was in a car in that lot I would have ducked and run the MF down.
Way north of there and at least 10 people at any time would be packing in walmart.
Also likely that on a Sat there would be off duty officers shopping there at most times.
20 minutes active shooter in TX - ohh hell no.
Question how do fund the flooding of a walmart with snowflakes?
I remember the shooter that attacked a gun show in TX.
Walmart is a c lose second to a gun show.
holly shit what?
Fox just said Shooter at the choke point at exit of parking lot.
Video of shooter entering store.
Notice it is a Walmart an anon or deplorable would not attack there.