Fox Dropping Clues of a FF
The El Paso shootings, Fox keeps saying 17 people injured, over and over. 17, 17…. Then they keep repeating that people heard shots, but didn’t see the shooter, and they were told to go into the back of the store and get in a shipping container. The kind 18 wheelers carry. Something like 100 people were in there, and is started getting hot, so after 20 minutes they all got out and left the back way. They never saw the shooter and believed what they were told. Shipping containers? Corralling people like cattle into shipping containers that 18 wheelers and ships carry. Making people do it without question out of fear? They control us through fear.
Then, look at the video clips that Fox showed, over and over. Freemason Symbols. They could have zoomed in on anything, but they kept showing these. Fox also said, “see something, say something.” And talked of disinformation from media when these things happen and other things that made me think they were trying to teach the public something about how the FFs work.