For you C_rAnian Deep Sweeties~
95% of our clown posts come from C_rAn.
Creepbot is C_rAnian.
The anti-israel narrative is C_rAnian.
[They always strike through a proxy]
[Source obscuration is cyber 101]
["Mask yourself as the enemy you seek to destroy"]
The anti-israel narrative is C_rAnian.
>You attack those who threaten you the most
The C_rAnIan Deep Sweeties have free reign here.
The C_rAnIan Deep Sweeties' objective is to censor our outreach and our convictions.
The Baker is the Key position for board moral, and our insights reaching the eyes and ears of people word wide.
The C_rAnIan Deep Sweeties have developed a system to drive patriots away from baking.
Keeping the Key position for themselves.
Wnb, rgb, 'doc'..
They collect the posts of other operators.
>Not (You)rs.
They focus on demoralizing news.
>Not /ourwinning/.
They plant stories for their own (C_rAnian) gain.
>Not (You)r latest dig.
They select red haring "qproofs" [germatica, 'q'clock, post number 'autism', anagram 'decodes', etc] as their top choice.
>Not (You)r insights about how news unlocks the past drops
Abusing us all into submission so they can post more and claim the majority of the hiveminds current thoughts. Adding subliminal fear, death and gore to the tweet caps and news stories that are added as notables.
So the first impression is theirs.
We're well over a year of being subverted in this way.
You all see this, they even prey upon this fact by drumming up the demoralizing feeling of incompetent leaders who do nothing to help us out.
''The solution is their fear: for (You), the "average good for nothing anon" to bake with a notable focus on truth and moral.''
We're going to need a lot of new bakers after the C_A in C_rAn is savagely eviscerated!~
(Make Iran Great Again!)
You'll be hit with the flack of all flack.
You'll thrive in Ambiguity and Chaos.
Godspeed, sirs.