Las Vegas Sheriff was calling for gun magazine limits months before ' HARVEST "
Fucking 18 hour notable
Years ago , I.R.S. moved to WV.
Been thinking its so if D.C. gets attacked continuity continues.
Cernovich is faggot but asked good questions
SKS type rifles banned from import after this one.
Francisco Martin Duran (/dəˈræn/; born September 8, 1968) is an American criminal who is mostly known for his actions of October 29, 1994, when he fired 29 rounds from an SKS rifle at the White House. Duran was later convicted of attempting to assassinate United States president Bill Clinton and sentenced to 40 years in prison.
William Cooper right again , shooters all current or former mental patients.
patriot act allows all kinds of ILLEGAL shit
Topic at recent BILDERBERG meeting ;
Weaponizing social media.
CFR political disruptions conference was the early warning.