Keep in mind though, I think the pic of the "kid in the cop car" is from years ago…they don't look similar to me regardless, but again, many years separate the two pictures.
What is this? Is that supposed to be him? How did the footage get online?
Is he under a table at the Subway inside WalMart? WTF?
There was? Please, tell me more!
I was confused about her post until I saw she was a "verified" account (blue check-mark). Then, knowing she was either lying or trying to cause shit, it all fell into place.
Hers, Holly 'w/butt-ugly face', is the face of the lunatic-left. Instead of being a "journalist" - and appreciating that people have differing views - she sets out to shut people's accounts down. That's how she obtains her narcissistic supply. What a sad, pathetic, miserable sack of shit.
Don't know who I feel sorry for the most.
Her "husband"
Her kids
Her neighbors
Any of the few remaining respectable journalists who share the profession
Other closeted lesbians
The well-being of our Country